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Gastonia and Gaston County, North Carolina 1846 – 1949 by Joseph H. Separk; INDEX: C


C. J. Webb and Co. 152
Cabiness family 197
Caldwell family 33, 197
Caldwell plantation 52
Caldwell, Belle 95
Caldwell, Paul, Mrs. 111
Caldwell, R. A. 151
Caldwell, R. A., Dr. 134
Caldwell, Samuel 91
Camp Chronicle 91, 200
Camp Grounds, Methodist 20
Camp Grounds, Shiloh  3, 35, 62, 190
Camp Sevier 98
Camp Stewart 98
Camp, Citizens Military Training  106
camp, Negro Scout 141
Camp, Summer Nutritional  108
Camp, Tubercular Prevention  106
Campbell, _____ 89
Campbell, C. A. 164
Campbell, C. M., Rev. 36, 37
Campbell, John S., Dr. 149
Campbell, Mal 155
Campbell, Thomas 91
Canipe, Dorothy, Miss 43
Cannon, E. R. 158, 170
Cannon, J. F. 21
Cannon, John F. 20
Cannon, Wm. F. 65
Capitular Masonry 115
Capps, B. 136
Capps, B. M. 105
Capps, Bismarck 104
Capps, Bismarck, Judge 141
Capps, Bismark, Judge 140
Carolina Chenille Co. 15
Carolina District Convention 106
Carolina Dyeing and Winding Co., Inc. 13, 157, 179
Carolina Florist (advt) 225
Carolina Freight Carrier's Corp. 16
Carothers, E. S. 117
Carothers, E. W. 9
Carothers, E. Woodrow 105
Carothers. J. C. 108
Carpenter, B. F. 21, 152
Carpenter, C. C. 136
Carpenter, C. E. 136
Carpenter, Carl G. 15, 128, 129
Carpenter, F. L. 136
Carpenter, J. D. 176
Carpenter, J. G. 135, 136
Carpenter, J. S. P. 169
Carpenter, John G. 21, 104, 194
Carpenter, M. A. 21, 104, 126, 168
Carpenter, O. B. 136
Carpenter, O. D.  163
Carpenter, Oscar B. 21
Carpenter, Robert L. 136
Carr, Annie B. 67
Carroll family 197
Carroll, J. W. 45
Carroll, J. Wiley 197
Carroll, Joseph 34
Carson brothers 35
Carson family 197
Carson, Catherine, Miss 89
Carson, Everett C. 45
Carson, Matilda, Miss 89
Carson, T. R. 116
Carter Hill Gold Mining Co. 2
Carter Mills (advt) 223
Carter Traveler Company (advt)  223
Carter, A. B. (advt) 223
Carter, Dewey 100
Cash, Leon 20
Catawba Hydro Plant 86
Catawba Mfg. & Electric Power Co. 162
Catawba Power Company 190
Catawba River 1, 2, 11, 13, 28, 30, 32, 86, 159, 179, 187, 193, 199
Catawba, shoals of (advt) 203
Cathcart, Lillian S., Miss 60
Cathedral, St. Luke's 49
Cathey, George 91
Cathey, S. C. 34
Cathey, William Lewis 45
Catholics 51, 52, 54
Cavin, W. M. 129
Cavis-Barkley "Amusu" 199
cemetery, Hoyle's 25, 193
cemetery, Long Creek Church 35, 91
cemetery, Olney Church 91
cemetery, Philadelphia Church 32
Centennial Celebration, Gaston County  186, 187, 188
Century of Growth, by Zoe Brockman 186, 187, 188
Chalk, G. W. 198
Chalk, George W. 73, 74
Chalk, Sallie, Miss 62
Chalk, T. G.  5, 198
Chalk, Thomas G. 74
Chamber of Commerce, Gastonia 8, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 139, 183
Chandler, J. P. 169
Chapel, St. Vincent's 54
Charles II 1
Charles Stores 124
Charleston, S. C. 57, 160
Charlotte Military Institute 63
Charlotte, N. C. 55
Charlotte, N. C. (advt) 227
Chattanooga (advt) 205
Cheatham, C. E. 108
Cherry family 197
Cherry, R. G. 119, 127, 136, 176
Cherry, R. Gregg 57, 99, 116
Cherry, R. Gregg, Mrs. 186
Cherry, Robert G. 98, 104
Cherryville, naming of 16
Cherryville, NC 16, 17
Cherryville, NC, incorporation of 16
Chester, S. C. 44, 84, 181
Chicago (advt) 205
Childers, Max L. 136
Choir, A Cappella  112
Chreitzberg, H. F., Dr. 37
Christian 61
Chronicle family 33
Chronicle Mills  152, 182, 207 (advt)
Chronicle, William, Major 88, 89, 91, 92, 93
Chrysler (advt) 221
Church Lutheran, Christ 20
church population, colored 7
Church, A. M. E. Zion 7
Church, Adams Memorial  40
Church, All Souls'  50
Church, Antioch 32
Church, Armstrong Memorial 40
Church, Associate Reformed Presbyterian 3, 7, 32, 35, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 62
Church, Baptist 7, 23, 28, 18, 32, 35
Church, Bethany 34
Church, Bradley Memorial  37
Church, Broadway Baptist 43
Church, Bruington 32
Church, Catholic 52
Church, Chapel Lutheran 3
Church, Covenant Presbyterian 23
Church, East Baptist 41
Church, East End 37
Church, East Gastonia 32
Church, Emmanuel Lutheran 46
Church, Episcopal 31, 47
Church, Episcopal (York, S.C.) 50
Church, First Associate Ref. Presby 43
Church, First Baptist 41
Church, First Gastonia 44
Church, First Presbyterian 38-40
Church, Franklin Avenue 37
Church, Gastonia Evangelical Lutheran  46
Church, Goshen 3, 32, 33, 34, 91, 190, 194
Church, Grace Lutheran 46
Church, Greek Orthodox 7
Church, Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran 46
Church, Kings Mountain 43
Church, Linwood Community 40
Church, Long Creek 3, 24, 32, 34, 35
Church, Lowell Presbyterian 23
Church, Lutheran 3, 7, 20, 32, 194
Church, Main St. Methodist Episcopal  35, 36, 37, 38
Church, Main Street Methodist 3, 66, 143
Church, Maylo 37
Church, Methodist 3, 23
Church, Methodist Episcopal 7, 18, 28, 43, 63
Church, Nebo 34
Church, Northside Presbyterian 40
Church, Ozark 37
Church, Philadelphia 3, 32
Church, Pisgah 3, 32, 34, 43, 44, 194
Church, Presbyterian  7, 32, 67, 194
Church, Protestant Episcopal 7
Church, Roman Catholic 7
Church, Second A. R. P. 44
Church, Second Baptist 41
Church, Second Methodist 37
Church, Shiloh Methodist 3, 32
Church, Smyre 37
Church, St. Andrew's Mission 47
Church, St. Helen's  54
Church, St. John's Mission 47
Church, St. Joseph's Catholic 52
Church, St. Luke's Parish 47
Church, St. Mark's 32
Church, St. Mark's Parish 47, 48, 49, 50
Church, St. Michael's Catholic 51, 54
Church, Stanley Methodist 20, 32
Church, Trinity 37
Church, Wesleyan Methodist 7
Church, West Avenue Presbyterian  40
Church, West End 37
Church, Woodlawn Baptist 23
Churches, Negro 59
Churchyard, Olney 91
Chute, C. H., Rev. 67
Cinderella Shoe Store (advt) 222
City Board, Gastonia 194
City Hall, Gastonia 48, 192
City Paint Store (advt) 230
Civil War (War Between the States) 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 27, 52, 97, 135, 169, 196, 198
Clansman, The 191
Clarke, C. C. 170
Clegg, C. S. 14, 158, 185
Clemmer family 197
Clemmer, Charlie E. 27
Clemmer, John 159
Cleveland County (advt) 217
Cleveland, ______ 89
Cleveland, H. M. 126
Clifford family 197
Clifford, W. J. 113, 119, 125
Clifford, W. J., Mrs. 95
Clifford, William J. 102
Cliffside Plant 86
Clinton family 197
Clinton, R. S., Mrs. 111
Clinton, Roland S., Dr. 134
Cloninger, Paul H. 27
clothing, card (advt) 216
Club, 4-H 80, 82, 120
Club, Altrusa 112
Club, Civitan 8, 68, 105, 106, 107
Club, Eagles 112
Club, Elks 112
Club, Executives 112
Club, Gaston Country 186
Club, Gastonia Commercial 195
Club, Gastonia Music 111, 112
Club, Gastonia Woman's 8, 108, 109, 110, 111
Club, Junior Woman's 8, 112, 146
Club, Kiwanis 8, 68, 104, 105
Club, Lions 8, 68, 107, 108
Club, Moose 112
Club, Optimist 112
Club, Pilot 112
Club, Rotary 8, 68, 102, 103, 139, 142, 197
Club, War Mothers 112
Clubs, State Federation of Music  112
Cobb, Beverly C. 136
Cobb, Jane, Miss 81
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Gastonia 215 (advt)
Cocke, N. A. 156
Cocke, Norman A. 85
Cocker Machine & Foundry Company 191, 229 (advt)
Cocker, George B. 102, 191
Cocker, George, Mrs. 49
Coclin, George 56
Coffey, Howard 47
Cohen, Sidney 56
Coker, D. R., Dr. 110
College, Belmont Abbey 53
College, Davidson 111
College, Gaston 25
College, Greensboro Female 64
College, Guilford 112
College, Linwood 62
College, Sacred Heart Junior 54
College, St. Mary's 53
College, St. Vincent's 53
College, State 79, 80
College, State Normal 64
College, Trinity 63
College, Woodlawn Business 13
Coltrane, D. B. 14, 152, 165, 170
Columbia, S. C. 36
Combed Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Center of America             4
Combed Peeler Reverse 191
combs, top (advt) 217, 231, 235
Comer, James T. 103
comet, Gastonia 200
Coming Revolution, The 191
Commercial Bank and Trust Co. 127
Compton, Elizabeth 155
concrete paving (advt) 233
Cone, Caesar 165
Confederate army 19, 170
Confederate Monument 96
Confederate Women's Home 96
Conn, William 100, 103
Connell, J. R. 194
Constitutional Amendment campaign 198
contractor (advt) 233
Cook, A. B. 172, 173
Cook, Percy H. 136
Cooke, Frank P. 136
Cooper, G. A. 157, 234 (advt)
Corbett, W. C., Rev. 38
Cornwallis 89
Cornwell, C. C. 174
Costner family 197
Costner, A. 163
Costner, Adam 32
Costner, Ambrose 160, 180
Costner, F. A. 39, 113, 115
Costner, J. A. 3, 12, 163
Costner, M. H. 163
Costner, R. E. 163
Costner, T. F. 163
Cothran, James D., Jr.,  Dr. 135
cotton (advt) 225
cotton brokers (advt) 225, 226
cotton factories 125, 150, 151
cotton factory, Arlington 125, 158, 166, 195
cotton factory, Avon 125
Cotton Textile Institute 110
cotton waste (advt)  219
County, Gaston, N. C.   34
County, Gaston, N. C. (advt) 201, 202, 203, 208, 210, 215, 217, 222, 225
County, Lincoln 34
County, Tryon 1, 34, 88
Court House, County 44
Court House, Dallas 24, 25, 26, 133
Court House, Gastonia 96, 136, 192
Court Week, Dallas 25
court, Gaston County 191
Covington, Van B. 70
Cowpens 88
Cowpens, Battle of 89
Cox, Elisha 91
Cox, R. F. 154, 156
Coxe, Bessie, Miss 137
Cozy 199
Craig and Jenkins Bank 193, 196
Craig and Jenkins Banking Co. 124
Craig and Wilson building 198
Craig buildings 143
Craig family 6, 197
Craig, Burton 152, 170
Craig, Clyde, Lt. 98
Craig, D. J. 199
Craig, E. D. 45, 119, 121, 123, 147
Craig, Eugene 21
Craig, H. M. 21, 158
Craig, I. E. 158
Craig, J. H. 38, 113, 124, 125, 151, 162, 164, 195
Craig, J. M. 4, 199
Craig, J. Milton 65, 141
Craig, J. R. 199
Craig, J. Robert 191
Craig, John H. 5, 6, 124, 180, 181, 193, 194
Craig, John M. 199
Craig, Marion, Miss 38
Craig, Mary, Mrs. 38
Craig, R. F. 21, 158, 170, 173, 174, 176, 183
Craig, R. J. 113
Craig, Sally, Miss 124
Craig, T. L. 70, 119, 168, 176, 199
Craig, T. L., Mrs. 95, 96, 97
Craig, Thomas L. 39, 62, 125, 153, 165, 166, 194, 195, 200
Craig, Thomas L., Col. 200
Craig, Thomas L., Mrs. 39
Cramer, G. B. 155
Cramer, Geo. B. 19
Cramer, S. W. 17, 155, 168, 185
Cramer, S. W., Jr. 19, 155
Cramer, Stuart W. 200
Cramer, Stuart W., Sr. 18, 19
Cramerton, NC 17, 18, 19
Crane, Wilson H. 129
Cranford, J. Frank, Dr. 134
Craven, C. W. 60
Craven, J. B., Dr. 38
Cravner, William C., Rev. 50
Crawford, James 34
Crawford, R. O. 40, 108
Creek, Crowder's  34
Creek, Doctor's  11
Creek, Dutchman's  11, 12
Creek, Long  88, 191
Creek, Muddy  88
Crenshaw, W. H. 157
crepes (advt) 224
Cromer, J. L., Rev. 46
Crowders Mountain  3, 57, 59, 60, 102, 103, 141, 142, 188, 200 
Crundy, Arthur 107
Cryptic Masonry 114
Culp, A. E. 100, 108, 123
Culp, J. P., Mrs. 95
Culp, J. W. 140
Culp, J. W., Mrs. 95
Culp, John W. 102
Cumberland County, N. C. 88
Cunningham, F. Hoyt 104
Current, A. C., Dr. 135
Current, Alfred 103
Curry family 197
Curry, Bruce 60
Curry, J. E. 191
Curry, M. H., Mrs. 95
Cutter, J. H. 171
cylinders, spinning (advt) 217, 231, 236

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