When buying a car, spend some time researching the types of vehicles and features that you may be interested in. Compare the positives and negatives of each car type. Some factors to consider are pricing, safety, reliability, and your budget. From Edmunds.com, here is a list of questions to ask yourself when choosing a car:
NADA and Edmunds guides are also available at Main Library. Ask at the Reference Desk.
Check a Vehicle's History
Auto Repair Manuals
Search our Catalog by Any Field for the make and model of your car to find repair manuals. For example, Toyota Corolla.
You can also try searching by Any Field for Chilton's or Haynes, the two major publishers of auto repair manuals.
Author: Gaston County Public Library
Title: Buying & Maintaining a Car
URL: https://gastonlibrary.libguides.com/consumer-information/buying-maintaining-cars
Revised: 10 August 2022
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