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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LearningExpress?
LearningExpress is a free database where you can take practice tests for the GED, SAT, ASVAB, and more. There are also reading and math practice tests for students and occupational exams for professions such as police officers. Additionally, there are over 150 ebooks available for you to read.

How can I use LearningExpress?
You can access LearningExpress at any Gaston County Regional Library or from your home computer by using NC Live. To log in to NC Live at home, choose "Gaston County Regional" from the drop-down list and type in your library card number. Once on NC Live, click on "By Subject" click on Career, Jobs & Test Preparation Then click on "LearningExpress Library" and you're in!

How do I create a LearningExpress account?
Click on "New Users" and create your LearningExpress account by making up a username and password. You sign in with your LearningExpress username and password each time you use the database.

What kind of ebooks are available?
The ebooks include test preparation and career guide books, such as: ASVAB Core Review, Becoming a Firefighter, GED Test Prep, and more. All ebooks are organized by topic in the Learning Centers, or you can search for a particular ebook by title, subject or keyword using the search bar. The book will be available to you in PDF format.

What job searching and career resources are available?
LearningExpress includes short electronic courses on creating resumes, cover letters, etc. In Career Preparation, click on "Build Workplace Skills", then "Networking, Job Search, and Interviewing". Career practice tests for licensing and certification are available in this area. Tests include military and law enforcement exams, nursing certification, and more.

Are there any foreign language resources available?
Yes. "Recursos para Hispanohablantes", or resources for Spanish speakers, are located at the bottom right of the welcome screen. Here you will find information on improving literacy skills, improving math skills, and preparing for the GED.

How long are the practice tests?
Each test varies in length and time. Clicking on the name of the test will provide a description of the test, test topics, and the number of questions and estimated time.

How many tests can I take?
You can take any number and variety of tests.

Can I retake a practice test?
Yes. Practicing the test several times will help prepare you for the actual exam. Bear in mind that the practice test will be exactly the same each time you take it.

What if I don't have time to finish a test?
Click on "Finish Later". You have 30 days to complete it. Your answers are saved in "My Center."

How do I access my tests, or finish an incomplete test?
You can finish your test by going to "My Center" and clicking "Continue". The unanswered questions will be displayed before you start, and you can complete the exam.

How do I get my results?
At the end of the test, click "Score My Test". After looking at your score analysis and test results, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "View Answers". The correct answers will be shaded, and your answers will be flagged as correct or incorrect.

Can I print out my results?
Yes. You can print out your results by clicking "File" on your toolbar and then clicking. "Print"

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