In the tradition of creating one musical episode in a TV series, Joss Whedon wrote and directed this episode of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in which Sunnydale is subjected to a Musical Theater spell. This is the opening number of Once More, With Feeling -- Season 6, Episode 7 which originally aired on UPN November 6, 2001.
Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Speaker Cone by bendhoward (YouTube)
This science experiment demonstrates the power of sound vibration. "Corn starch [oobleck] is a shear thickening non-Newtonian fluid meaning that it becomes more viscous when it is disturbed." When disturbed by sound waves from a speaker cone it forms weird tendrils. We recommend using dubstep or other music requiring a subwoofer speaker.
Hawaiian ‘Uli ‘Uli musical gourd rattle
The ‘uli ‘uli starts as a small gourd that is hollowed out and filled with seeds, shells or pebbles.
Make Magazine is a great source for DIY projects. This links to Make Magazine's instructions for building a Drawdio!
Koka's Soundtrack Box No. 1 from nikoladze on Vimeo.
Homemade Music Box Produces A Host Of Strange Sounds [by Niko Ladze]
Niko Ladze built this bizarre little instrument for a feature film score.
Classical Music? If you've watched TV, you know more than you think you do!
"The Imperial March" by John Williams (Star Wars) | "Hoedown" from Aaron Copland's ballet Rodeo. | George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. |
"O Fortuna" from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. Possibly the most overused piece in television history. |
See? |
"Vesti la giubbe" from Leoncavallo's opera I Pagliacci |
Using GarageBand
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