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North Carolina Poetry Review: Poems

Poems [by author]

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  • Alderman, Frank L.
    • Exposing A Dream - 1.6
    • Life Is A Market - 1.9
    • The Moon Tonight - 1.7
    • One Hungry For Beauty - 1.5
    • Sunset Road - 1.5, 1.8 [on cover]
    • Wild Geese - 1.12
  • Allen Hattie Bell
    • Mother Heart - 1.12
  • Ariail, Warren
    • Fortune - 1.9
  • Arthur, Jessie
    • Retrospection - 1.11
  • Atkins, Stewart
    • Belated Heartbreak - 1.8
    • Bum - 1.3
    • Cotton Mill Funeral - 1.5
    • Gambler's Wife - 1.6
    • Parade's End - 1.2
    • Parting - 1.1
    • Recompense - 1.7
    • Reflection - 1.9
    • Remembered Moment - 1.11
    • Robert E. Lee - 1.1
    • To A Jazz Pianist, Dead - 1.12
    • To John Charles McNeill - 1.4
  • Avery, Claribel Weeks
    • Home Fires - 1.11

  • Bair, Tom
    • A Poor Man - 1.12
  • Bass, Althea
    • Beethoven - -Symphony In C Minor - 1.10
  • Beaudry, Goldie
    • Barren Lands - 1.10
  • Benson, Carrie Fall
    • In An Old Trunk - 1.8
  • Berry, Catherine E.
    • There Will Be Nights - 1.9; To One Who Understands - 1.8
  • Berry, J. Howard
    • Arma Virumque - 1.1
  • Brockman, Zoe Kincaid
    • After Love - 1.2
    • Christmas Eve - 1.6
    • Cinquains: In Winter - 1.3
    • Concerning Evergreens - 1.5
    • Half Gods - 1.3
    • Harlequin - 1.9
    • January Jasmine - 1.7
    • Lilacs - 1.2
    • Mending Street - 1.4
    • Night Voices - 1.3
    • Orchids - 1.1
    • Parade - 1.11
    • Scissors And Paste - 1.3
    • To You - 1.8
  • Bromberger, Anne
    • Madness - 1.10
  • Bunting, Norma Jean
    • Italgio - 1.12
    • Love Leaves A Manuscript - 1.10
  • Burt, Katharine Newlin
    • The Sudden Thrush - 1.7
    • To My Mother - 1.5
    • Unafraid - 1.1
    • The Wind Walked - 1.2
  • Burt, Struthers
    • Assignation - 1.1

  • Carr, Mary Beale
    • At Timber -Line - 1.11
  • Cooke, Roland
    • Country Home - 1.11
  • Copeland, Margaret Scott
    • Should Silence Ever Be Complete - 1.11
  • Corpening, Sara Serles
    • To One Gone - 1.11
  • Cranford, Willodine
    • Sappho - 1.7
  • Cullen, Countee
    • Sonnet - 1.5

  • Dargan, Olive
    • Coward - 1.1
  • Deshaies, Emelda
    • Daybreak - 1.12
  • Diamond, Raymond
    • Sky Song - 1.12
  • Dorian, Sylvestre
    • After - 1.11 [on cover]
    • Concession - 1.5
    • Last Rose - 1.6
    • The Rose Jar - 1.4
    • The Two Tragedies - 1.6
  • Doughty, LeGarde S.
    • Of The Chaste - 1.9
    • Words By A Monastery Wall - 1.11
  • Douglass, John Jordan
    • Edgar Allan Poe - 1.12
  • Draper, Jessamine Kimball
    • To Lady Alice - 1.9

  • Ellis, Gray
    • Ambition - 1.12
    • Pardon Me - 1.8
    • Recompense - 1.6
    • To A Cynic - 1.9
    • To A Rival - 1.4
    • To An Old-Fashion Girl - 1.11
    • To Ellen - 1.5
    • White Roses - 1.7

  • Fair, Victor N.
    • The Last Parade - 1.12 [on cover]
  • Ferguson, Mary L.
    • Days - 1.10
  • Freeman, M.
    • This Moon - 1.8
  • Foster, Charles T.
    • Thus Spake - - - 1.10
  • Fuller, Susan Clayton
    • Because Of Beauty - 1.2
    • Changed Laughter - 1.6
    • Cinquains: Take Care - 1.6
    • An Idler In The Sun - 1.7
    • Illusion - 1.5
    • Old Trees Remembering - 1.1
    • On The Threshold - 1.9
    • Portrait Of A Woman Sweeping - 1.4
    • Reawakening - 1.6
    • Siren Sea - 1.8
    • Taps Magnificent - 1.3
    • Wisteria - 1.1

  • Gardner, Winfred W.
    • The Dog Brigade - 1.12
  • Gessler, Clifford
    • Bulge The Hours - 1.10
  • Ginsburg, Louis
    • Moonlit Backyard - 1.12
  • Graves, Grace M.
    • Progress - 1.12
    • The Trail Of The Storm - 1.8

  • Hanman, Bert L.
    • To Barbara - 1.8
  • Harris, Eva Berry
    • Afterward - 1.7
    • Finality - 1.2 Full Moon - 1.8 A Sonnet - 1.3
  • Hedges, Ada Hastings
    • Mission Garden - 1.10
  • Heinzerling, Sarah A.
    • Dreams - 1.8 "Mad Moon" - 1.1
    • To My Country - 1.7 Villanelle - 1.6
  • Hewitt, Andrew
    • Ballad of Little Tired Words - 1.1
    • Blue -Gold Day - 1.2 Bright Season - 1.10 Late Portrait - 1.9 Rain Comes At Midnight - 1.3 Sailor's Will - 1.2 Stripped Field - 1.11 When Two Orioles Invaded My Garden - 1.3
  • Hopkins, Ruth
    • Oh, May Your Sleep - 1.10
  • Howell, Louise H.
    • Broken Altars - 1.12
    • Surrender - 1.5 To Lafcadio Hearn - 1.2
  • Huffman, Mina B.
    • Inequitable - 1.7
  • Hughes, Aline
    • Sailor's Wife - 1.8
    • Skyscraper - 1.6
  • Hutchines, W. L.
    • A Prayer To Spring - 1.12


  • Jordan, T.
    • Beloved, If You Only Had The Power - 1.11

  • Keiser, Albert
    • Do Even If You Die - 1.8
  • Keith, Joseph Joel
    • Miss Thompson: Teacher of Romantic Languages - 1.12
  • Kemp, Lelia Rush
    • A Daguerreotype Of My Mother - 1.11
    • My Shadow - 1.2
  • Kemp, Roy Zell
    • Fear - 1.12
  • Kruger, Fania
    • Jewish Grandmother - 1.10

  • Law, Bessie Trull
    • Happiness - 1.6
    • Librarian - 1.12
    • Life - 1.1
    • Light Of Loveliness - 1.3
    • Miracle - 1.2
    • My Golden Book - 1.8
    • Service After -Glow - 1.5
    • To A Hungry Heart - 1.8
  • Ledbetter, Margaret
    • Prayer - 1.11
  • Lilly, Elizabeth
    • The Magic Key - 1.9
    • Sealed Rapture - 1.6
    • Seeking Release - 1.7
  • Linham, Helen Loomis
    • Six Years Old In Heaven - 1.10
  • Little, Pearl S.
    • Broom Fields - 1.6
    • Curtain Call - 1.9
    • Madonna Of The Lamps - 1.2
  • Long, Grady McCarty
    • Ashes of Desire - 1.12
    • Promise - 1.4
    • Reminder - 1.7
    • Your Voice - 1.8

  • Marx, Olga
    • The Gesture of Love - 1.11
    • In Pace - 1.12
  • McCain, John Walker Jr.
    • Washington - 1.9
  • McDill, Thomas H.
    • December Fog - 1.1
    • Dusk - 1.2
    • Evening - 1.8
    • Retrospection - 1.5
  • McMeeking, Isabel McLennan
    • Judge Simeon Prendergast - 1.12
  • McNeill, John Charles
    • October - 1.4
  • Medford, William
    • Change - 1.11
  • Melton, Wightman F.
    • I Wonder - 1.9 [on cover]
    • Remembering - 1.5
  • Metcalfe, James Juan
    • Song Of Returning - 1.2
    • Time Is A Digger Of Graves - 1.1
  • Michael, Clara Alda
    • Tribute - 1.7
  • Milling, Chapman J.
    • To A Luna Moth Found Dying - 1.10
  • Mireck, Edith
    • Talisman - 1.11
  • Murrell, E. Ernest
    • San Fernando's Garden - 1.10
  • Musser, Benjamin
    • Purple Clover - 1.4
  • Myers, Claire Reid
    • Silence - 1.11
    • Valentines - 1.8

  • Nobbs, O. B.
    • Monkey Hill - 1.10
  • Northe, James Neill
    • Beauty Of Pain - 1.7
    • Portrait of an Honest Woman - 1.11

  • Oldham, Edward A.
    • The Tryst - 1.11
  • Owen, Audrey Lee
    • Divorce - 1.8
    • Goodbye - 1.11
    • Neighbor - 1.9

  • Parmley, Dorothy
    • Wanton - 1.12
  • Payne, Anne Blackwell
    • A Gorgeous Game - 1.3
    • Words For April - 1.9
  • Pearson, James Larkin
    • Blood - 1.9
    • Helen - 1.5
    • I Will Be A Hermit - 1.7
    • If I Loved You - 1.8
    • Let Me Put You In A Song - 1.6
    • Quietude - 1.3
    • Source of Song - 1.12
    • Theocritus - 1.4
    • Wild Garden - 1.11
  • Picton, Nina
    • Consecration - 1.12
  • Placid, Dom aka Father Placid O. S. B.
    • Arcturus - 1.1
    • Drama In Miniature - 1.5
    • Duke University - 1.4
    • Golden Pavilion Of Jehol - 1.2
    • A New Day Comes To The Cloister Garth - 1.1
    • Poeta Exultans - 1.3
    • Respite - 1.6
    • Robins Going North - 1.9
    • Thought In My Soul - 1.6
    • Twelve O'clock Cat - 1.7
  • Pluth, Josephine C.
    • Interpretation - 1.10
  • Price, Merle
    • Feast After Absence - 1.10
    • I Shall Go Striving - 1.11


  • Regnat, William [Father, O. S. B.]
    • Fall - 1.3
    • Nature's Crown Jewel - 1.11
    • October Reveries - 1.4
    • The Price - 1.6
    • Retort Courteous - 1.2
    • The Violet - 1.8
  • Reid, Nancy
    • Beauty On A Hill - 1.8
    • The Little Years - 1.5
    • Winter Night - 1.12
  • Reynolds, Cosa Elizabeth
    • On Passing A Town By Moonlight - 1.10
  • Rice, Inez
    • Spring - 1.11
  • Roach, Abby Meguire
    • A Slave at Angkor - 1.11
  • Roper, Florence Wilson
    • To A Faint Heart - 1.11
  • Rutledge, Archibald
    • Baby Jean - 1.4
    • Brothers Of Great Defeat - 1.3

  • Salls, Helen Harriet
    • Chalices - 1.6
    • Miss Tremaine of Towertown - 1.12
    • Sonnet - 1.7
  • Sedgwick, Jessie Rankin
    • Wood Of The Cross - 1.2
  • Smalley, Walter B.
    • Ashes - 1.3
    • Awakening - 1.12
    • Biologic - 1.5
    • They Can Go On Saying... - 1.2
    • Veritas - 1.1
    • We Faced The Dawn - 1.1
  • Smedes, Henrietta R.
    • Vogel Als Prophet - 1.8
  • Smith, Conrad Frederick
    • Cinderella - 1.6
  • Spiker, Virginia
    • "I Think That I Shall Never Understand" - 1.11
  • Squires, Ruamie
    • Like New: Fallen Snow - 1.10
  • Stearnes, Florence Dickinson
    • Possession - 1.10
  • Steffan, ____ [Mrs. George H.}
    • The Night After Christmas - 1.10
  • Steffan, Marguerite
    • Feet and Wings - 1.12
  • Stewart, Winifred Gray
    • Desire - 1.12
  • Stoddard, Hope
    • Broken Friendship - 1.10
  • Stone, Leo
    • The Cynic In The Graveyard - 1.7
    • Truth - 1.12

  • Talley, Edna Wilcox
    • Fates - 1.8
    • Funeral Pyre - 1.2
    • Heart's Desire - 1.3
    • Saga Of The River - 1.7
    • Three Pictures - 1.5
    • Trees Transformed - 1.1
  • Thomas, Richard A. Jr.
    • Life Stumbles - 1.11
    • Obit - 1.10
  • Thomas, Theresa Meroney
    • Two Heads - 1.11
  • Ticknor, Mary D.
    • Necromancy - 1.8
    • Queen of the Months - 1.12



  • Walser, Richard D.
    • Triste Printemps - 1.12
  • Ward, Mard [sic] B.
    • Some Go Alone - 1.10
  • Ward, Mary B.
    • A Poet Passes - 1.12
  • Ward, William Allen
    • Butte - 1.9
    • History - 1.11
  • Wedemeyer, Mary
    • La Dame - 1.5
  • Weller, Nan M.
    • Day's End - 1.3
    • Fragment - 1.3
  • Welshimer, Helen
    • The Roads That Hunt For Heaven - 1.10
  • Wenner, Harriett Ann
    • Echo - 1.10
  • Whitehead, Daisy Crump
    • In Careless Calm - 1.8
    • Of One Who Went Too Soon - 1.7
    • A Prayer - 1.11
  • Whitsett, William Thornton
    • At Yuletide - 1.6
  • Wilde, Irene
    • Survival - 1.8
    • Sustenance - 1.11
    • Testimony - 1.10
  • Williams, Harriet
    • The Treasure - 1.11
  • Wood, Ethel D.
    • Consecration - 1.6
    • Reunion - 1.2
    • To Whistler's Mother - 1.1
  • Wood, James Playsted
    • 1934 - 1.12
  • Wray, Augusta
    • Cinquains: Winter Delusion - 1.9
    • The Cycle - 1.9
    • Pyrotechnics - 1.9
    • Full Moon - 1.6
    • Futility - 1.2
    • An Irish Ballad - 1.4
    • The Late -Born - 1.5
    • Monuments - 1.1
    • A Painting of Autumn - 1.1
    • Rain - 1.7
    • Wanderlust - 1.3


  • Young, Eva M.
    • Alpha And Omega - 1.5
    • Boxwoods - 1.1
    • Life's Cavalcade - 1.7
    • Wedding Gift - 1.11
    • Worthwhile - 1.2

  • Zeigler, John
    • I Shall Remember - 1.7
    • On Hearing The "Liebestod" Of "Tristan And Isolde" - 1.4
    • Say But The Word - 1.10
    • Smith - 1.3; Sonnet - 1.2
    • Then - 1.8
    • To Lachesis - 1.5
    • When We First Knew Silence - 1.9


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Author: Gaston County Public Library
Title: North Carolina Poetry Review: Poems
Revised: 28 May 2013

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