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Arts & Antiques

Getting Started

Several major museums have made their digital art books collections (mostly pre-1964) available for free downloading:

A Space of Their Own, a New Online Database, Will Feature Works by 600+ Overlooked Female Artists from the 15th-19th Centuries
The paintings, drawings, prints, and sculptures the late Jane Fortune refers to above were discovered in museum storage spaces throughout Florence. Many of their female creators were acclaimed during their lifetimes. By the time Fortune set about restoring their work—and visibility —to the public view, they were virtually unknown, even to museum staff.

Chronological List

The books below are arranged by date of publication, which is useful if you already know when the artist was working.

Any call number that starts with an "R" may be read and copied in the library but is unavailable for checkout.


The works of many book and magazine illustrators are now highly regarded.

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