There is no one complete transcription of all the cemeteries in the county. We do have many books on individual cemeteries. You can find these in our Catalog by doing a Subject search for Cemeteries. Also try a Keyword search for the name of the cemetery.
Also, we have collections of cemetery inscriptions, done at different times and with varying degrees of coverage. Some cemeteries have been transcribed more than once. Below is a list of books, each with an identification code. It is followed by a list of cemeteries and the code(s) for the book(s) they are found in.
N. B. The transcriptions of these cemeteries often differ. It's best to look at all of them as graves may have been lost or become illegible over the years. Also many of these cemeteries are very small; there may be only a couple of graves.
- Cemetery List, compiled by C. D. Stroup. [929.3 Str NCC v. 1] Hand writen transcriptions; most done in 1960-1961. At Jonas NCC. Code=CL
- Early Church Histories and Cemeteries of Gaston and Lincoln Counties [929.5 Ear NCC], compiled in 1987. At Gastonia NCC. Code=ECHC.
- Eswau Huppeday, [929.1 Esw NCC] Bulletin of the Broad River Genealogical Society. References are to specific issues. At Gastonia and Jonas NCC. Code=EH.
- Gaston County Historical Bulletin [051 Gas NCC]. References are to specific issues. Code=GCHB.
- Lincoln County Church Cemeteries (2 books), uncataloged looseleaf volumes in Jonas NCC. Some pages typed, some handwritten. Code=LCCv#.
- Lincoln County Family Cemeteries, uncataloged looseleaf volume in Jonas NCC. Some pages typed, some handwritten. Code=LCFC.
- Old Gravesites Revisted, 3 vols. [929.5 Wal NCC] compiled by Terry Waldrop and others, pub. 1986-1990. At Gastonia and Jonas NCC. Includes Gaston and Lincoln Counties. Code=OGRv#. Some of the cemeteries in vol. 1 are online at the Tombstone Transcription Project,
- Relocation of Various Cemeteries by Duke Power Company from Area Inundated by Waters of Lake Norman. [929.3 D NCC] At Gastonia NCC Code=RVC.
- West Lincoln County Church Cemeteries, 2 vols. [929.5 Pee NCC] compiled by Helen W. Peeler and others, pub. 1986-1990. At Jonas NCC. Code=WLCCv#.
- WPA Pre-1914 Cemetery Inscriptions. Microfilm. Complete set at Gastonia NCC; Lincoln County roll at Jonas NCC; Gaston & Lincoln Counties are on roll 3. Copied ca. 1939. Code=WPA.
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