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Gastonia and Gaston County, North Carolina by Piper Peters Aheron; INDEX: S


Subject Page 
Saint Maybe, Hallmark Hall of Fame movie 48
Salisbury, NC 30
Sanders, Earl S. 50
Saving America's Treasures 50, 53
Schiele, Lily 98
Schiele, Rudolph "Bud" Melchoir 98
Schmitt, Friedrich H. 79
Schneider's Department Store 108
School of Nursing 76
School of Technology, Highland 68
School, Ashbrook High 78
School, Bessemer City Middle, soccer team 78 (photo)
School, Central Elementary  49
School, Cherryville High 68 (photo)
School, Cramerton, African-American, Washington Av. 66
School, Cramerton, auto mechanics shop class 65 (photo)
School, Cramerton, home economics class 66 (photo)
School, Gaston Academy 77
School, Gaston High 77 (photo)
School, Gaston High 77
School, Gastonia Central Graded 67 (photo)
School, Gastonia High 67, 78
School, Gastonia High 78 (photo)
School, High, African-Americans 75
School, Highland High 68
School, Hunter Huss High 78
School, Loray Graded 67
School, Mayworth 66
School, Oakland High 75, 96
School, Sacred Heart Academy 84
School, Sacred Heart Academy 84 (photo)
School, St. Benedict 82
Schoolhouse, High Shoals 16 (photo)
Schools, Cherryville City 67, 68, 78
Schools, Gaston County  67, 68, 78
Schools, Gastonia City 67, 68, 78
Scott, Abraham 17
Second Avenue 97
Separk, Joseph H. 75, 96
Separk's home 96
Shake, Rattle, and Roll (television miniseries) 49
Shell gasoline station 105 (photo)
Shell gasoline station 105
Sisters of Mercy 82, 84
Sloan, J. M. 122
Sloan, J. M., Dr. 116
Sloan's Ferry bridge, Belmont, NC 64 (photo)
Smith, John 17
Smith, John Askew 29, 44
Smith, John Askew 44 (photo)
Smith, John Askew, house 29 (photo)
Soapbox Car Race  94, 95 (photo)
soccer team, Bessemer City Middle school 78 (photo)
Social Services Department building 115 (photo)
Soldier, World War II 60 (photo); 102 (photo)
Soldiers, World War I 57 (photo)
song, The Old North State 6
South Fork Boys 13, 14
South Fork river 7, 8, 22, 34, 37, 38, 39, 45, 114
South Fork river 114 (photo)
Southern Cotton Mill 29
Southern Railway Freight Station 61
Southern Railway Freight Station 61 (photo)
Spartanburg, SC 30
speed limit, NC highway, 1930 59
Spring Fest, Mount Holly 94
Spring Shoals Manufacturing Company 57
spring water, bottled, Belmont Abbey 81
Springs, Adam Alexander 57
St. Leo Hall 82 (photo)
Stanley Creek 28
Stanley, NC 28 (photo)
Stanley-Lucia Road 17
Stapleton, Richard 108 (photo)
Starnes Auditorium, Cherryville  68 (photo)
Starving Artist Festival 88
Sterchi's Quality Furniture 63 (photo)
Stewart, Betty Marie Abbott 61
Stewart, Betty Marie Abbott 61 (photo)
Stewart, Campbell 21 (photo); 92 (photo)
Stewart, Campbell L. 92 (photo)
Stewart, Campbell Lester 41 (photo)
Stewart, Campbell Lester 61
Stewart, D. L. 21 (photo)
Stewart, David Lester 41 (photo)
Stewart, Dorthy 21 (photo)
Stewart, Elma 21 (photo)
Stewart, Essie Mae Wells 41 (photo); 92 (photo)
Stewart, Frances 21 (photo)
Stewart, J. H. 21 (photo)
Stewart, James (Cam) Campbell, Jr. 111 (photo)
Stewart, James (Jim) Campbell 69 (photo); 124 (photo)
Stewart, James (Jim) Campbell 69, 124 
Stewart, James C. 61 (photo); 92 (photo)
Stewart, Jim 21, 41, 61, 87, 92, 108, 111
Stewart, Jim 108 (photo)
Stewart, Lloyd 21 (photo)
Stewart, Mildred 21 (photo)
Stewart, Paul  21 (photo)
Stewart, Robert    21 (photo)
Stewart, Robert (Bob) Cicero 60 (photo)
Stewart, Robert Preston 20 (photo)
Stewart, Steve 21 (photo)
Stewart-Cooper Architects 69, 124
Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects 87, 124, 125
Stowe and Puett business 58
Stowe Brothers business 58
Stowe Building 82 (photo)
Stowe Factory 8
Stowe Mercantile Company  58 (photo); 64 (photo)
Stowe mill office 59 (photo); 103 (photo)
Stowe Mills 102
Stowe, Charles T. 58
Stowe, Daniel Jonathan 58, 102
Stowe, Daniel Jonathan 102 (photo)
Stowe, Daniel, Botanical Garden 95, 101, 102
Stowe, Daniel, Botanical Garden 101 (photo); 102 (photo)
Stowe, Daniel, Carriage House 23
Stowe, Jasper 57
Stowe, Larkin  8
Stowe, Margaret Ann Sloan 58
Stowe, Nellie Lee Rhyne  102
Stowe, R. L. 13, 90
Stowe, Robert L., III 104
Stowe, Robert Lee 58, 83, 102
Stowe, Robert Lee 58 (photo)
Stowe, Robert Lee, Visitor Pavilion 102
Stowe, Robert Lee, Visitor Pavilion 102 (photo)
Stowe, W. A. 57
Stowes 20
Stowe's Factory, Jasper 38
students, Cherryville School 82 (photo)
Stultz, Jennifer Thomas 107
Stultz, Jennifer Thomas 107 (photo)
Submarine, German Midget 113 (photo)
Suez Temple #73, Cherryville, NC, Jun 20, 1923 72, 73 (photo)

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