Microfilm copies of the following Lincoln County records are in the North Carolina Collection:
- Estate files, 1779-1925.
- Administrators' bonds, 1868-1913;
- Index to wills, 1772-1964;
- Record of appointment of executors, 1869-1964;
- Guardian bonds, 1868-1925;
- Index to accounts and settlements, 1868-1964;
- Record of accounts, 1868-1886 [2 rolls];
- Record of estates, 1847-1863;
- Record of settlements, 1869-1904;
- Record of wills, 1824-1911 [2 rolls];
- Inventories and accounts of estates, 1831-1868;
- Marriage records, 1851-1869;
- Marriage register, 1869-1971.
- Lincoln County: record of freedmen's marriages, 1866.
- Index to real estate conveyances: grantee, 1769-1907;
- Index to real estate conveyances: grantors, 1769-1907;
- Record of deeds, 1769-1869 [16 rolls];
- Index to grants - grantees, 1779-1880 [Lincolnton only];
- Land grants, 1763-1953 [3 rolls];
- Land grants, 1782-1807 & Procession of land, 1814-1834 [both on 1 reel];
- Land entries, 1783-1795.
- Minutes, County Court, 1779-1868 [6 rolls];
- Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1870-1896;
- Minutes, County Board of Elections, 1922-1949;
- Minutes, Superior Court, 1816-1876 [2 rolls];
- Orders and decrees, 1868-1880;
- Index to orders and decrees, special proceedings, etc., 1868-1968 [2 rolls].
At Jonas Library (Lincolnton, N.C.) Only:
- Lincoln County list of school children,1855-1863,1895, n.d. Reel 1: C.R.060.926.1, C.R.060.926.2, C.R.060.926.3, C.R.060.926.4, C.R.060.926.5, C.R.060.926.6.; Reel 2: C.R.060.926.7, C.R.060.926.8, C.R.060.926.9, C.R.060.926.10, C.R.060.926.11.
- Lincoln County pension records, 1885-1894, 1901-1907. C.R. 060.923.1
- Lincoln County slave records, 1764-1923. C.R.060.928.7
- Lincoln County Civil War records, 1864-1923. C.R.060.920.2 (Oathes of Allegiance) to (Miscellaneous Papers)
Visit Finding Lincoln County Ancestors for more print and online records.