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Gastonia and Gaston County, North Carolina 1846 – 1949 by Joseph H. Separk; INDEX: A


A. B. Carter, Incorporated (advt) 223
A. R. P. Church 32, 35, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 62
Abbey Nullius 53
Abbey, Belmont 10, 51, 52, 53, 54, 195
Abbey, Maryhelp 53
Abbey, St. Leo's 53
Aberch, W. Y. 100
Abernathy, Minnie C., Mrs. 95
Abernathy, Robert 101
Abernethy, F. C. 21, 126, 127
Abernethy, Felix M. 135
Abernethy, Frank C. 105, 113, 115, 117
Abernethy, Geo. W. 64
Abernethy, J. A. 12, 20, 164
Abernethy, J. Ed., Dr. 38
Abernethy, J. T. 21, 164
Abernethy, J. W.  24, 182
Abernethy, James, Dr. 21
Abernethy, Joseph 40
Abernethy, Lonnie F. 113, 115
Abernethy, Rozzella, Miss 138
Abernethy, T. J.  40
Abernethy, W. C. 163
Abernethy, W. F. 116
Academy 41, 48
Adams family 197
Adams, C. E. 39, 40, 72, 125, 151, 164, 166
Adams, C. E., Dr. 134, 195
Adams, Crosby, Mr. 111
Adams, Crosby, Mrs. 111
Adams, E. C. 147
Adams, Ed C. 40, 103, 123
Adams, Edythe, Miss 199
Adams, J. L. 104
Adams, J. Lean 104
Adams, James A. 141
Adams, Lizzie, Miss 63
Adams, M. J., Mrs. 38
Adams, M. R. 105, 147
Adams, Minor R. 105, 153
Adams, R. H. 38, 39, 195
Adams, Robert H. 162, 180
Adams, Robert, Dr. 134
Adams, W. C. 40, 108
Adams, W. H. 126, 153, 171, 172, 174
Adams, W. Meek 7
Adderholt, D. W. 166, 167
Adelphotis Banner 57
Agricultural Extension Work, Gaston Co. 79
Agriculture, Department of, United States 79
Aid Society 36
Airport, Gastonia Township 186, 188, 189
Airport, Municipal 141
Akers, John M. 128
Alexander family 33, 197
Alexander, I. N. 7, 197
Alexander, John M., Jr. 45
Alexander, Robert 11, 88, 91
Alexander, W. J. 195
Alfred Moore interests 165
All Healing Springs 62
Allen, Cuthbert, Rev. 51
Allen, F. M. 183
Allen, Fred M. 102, 119, 184
Allen, G. G. 85
Allen, J. T. 129
Allen, Paul H. 171
Allen, W. F. 159
Allran, James 136
Altman, L. B. 80
Ambrose, E. B. 152
American Combed Yarn Corporation 156, 169, 171, 172
American Legion, Gaston Post No. 23 99
American Missionary Association 59, 60
American Processing Co. 13, 173, 179
American Red Cross 90, 109, 136, 137, 138
American Textile Sheet Metal Works 27
American Trade Association Executives 184
American Yarn and Processing Co. 13, 154, 164, 168, 171, 173, 174, 179
Amusu Theatre 199
Anders family 197
Anders, J. J. C., Rev. 7
Anders, Mac G., Dr. 143
Anders, Mc G., Dr. 7
Anders, Mc. G. 102
Anderson, A. S., Rev. 18
Anderson, J. A., Dr. 134
Anderson, Jas. A. 104
Anderson, R. C., Rev. 39, 71
Anderson, South Carolina 85, 86
Anderson, W. D. 49, 102, 103, 119, 123, 126, 200
Anderson, W. D., Mrs. 93, 94
Anderson, William D. 102, 130, 137
Andrews, G. C. 119
Angelakos, Theodore 56
Antioch Church 32
apparel (advt) 226
aprons (advt) 222
aprons, conveyor (advt) 211
aprons, picker (advt) 211
Arahovitans 56, 57, 58
Archabbey, St. Vincent's  52
Archibald, Robert 33
architecture, Colonial 49, 144
architecture, Gothic 53
Arlington cotton factory 125, 158, 166, 195
Armfield, B. M. 156
Armstrong family 11, 33, 197
Armstrong, Andrew A. 102
Armstrong, C. B., Col. 137, 200
Armstrong, C. C. 126, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 165, continued….
Armstrong, C. C. (continued) 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 182, 183
Armstrong, C.B. 40, 70, 119, 126, 129, 131, 153, continued….
Armstrong, C.B. (continued) 165, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 198
Armstrong, Capt. 98
Armstrong, Chas. B. 104
Armstrong, Clyde 154, 157
Armstrong, Clyde C. 104
Armstrong, E. Hoyle 104
Armstrong, J. R. 174
Armstrong, J. W.  9, 10, 152
Armstrong, W. R. 168, 171, 172, 174
Armstrong, William B. 99
Armstrong, William Burwell 45
Armstrong-Myers-Winget interests 31
Armstrong-Winget group 69, 182
Army airplane, B-24 141
Army, United States 188
Arthurs family 197
Artificial Breeding Program 81
Artillery Range 200
Ashby, M. A., Rev. 46
Ashworth, Henry 155
asphalt paving (advt) 233
Atkins family 197
Atkins, B. E. 108, 198
Atkins, B. E., Prof. 37, 63
Atkins, Ben E. (advt) 235
Atkins, Ben E., Prof. 74
Atkins, E. D.  74, 104, 105, 130
Atkins, Emmet D. 63
Atkins, Ennis 105, 186
Atkins, J. W. 73, 74, 102, 119, 140, 198
Atkins, J. W., Mrs. 93, 94
Atkins, James W. 63, 102
Atkins, James W., Mrs. 94
Atkins, James, Bishop 63
Atkins, Jas. W. (advt) 235
Atkins, Lillian, Miss 111
Atkins, R. D., Mrs. 137
Atkins, Stewart 74, 235 (advt)
Atkinson, Robert 99
Atlanta, Georgia (advt) 216
Atwater, Miss 62
Atwood Machine Co. 157
automobile, Babington 8
automobile, Holland 8
automobile, Locomobile Steamer 190
automobile, Oldsmobile 190
Avon Bonded Warehouse 166, 177
Avon cotton factory 125
Avon Mills 163, 165, 166, 177
Aycock, Charles B.  198
Aycock, Louise, Miss 38
Aycock, R. N. 104, 125, 127, 158, 175, 177
Aycock, Richard N. 104

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