C. J. Webb and Co. | 152 |
Cabiness family | 197 |
Caldwell family | 33, 197 |
Caldwell plantation | 52 |
Caldwell, Belle | 95 |
Caldwell, Paul, Mrs. | 111 |
Caldwell, R. A. | 151 |
Caldwell, R. A., Dr. | 134 |
Caldwell, Samuel | 91 |
Camp Chronicle | 91, 200 |
Camp Grounds, Methodist | 20 |
Camp Grounds, Shiloh | 3, 35, 62, 190 |
Camp Sevier | 98 |
Camp Stewart | 98 |
Camp, Citizens Military Training | 106 |
camp, Negro Scout | 141 |
Camp, Summer Nutritional | 108 |
Camp, Tubercular Prevention | 106 |
Campbell, _____ | 89 |
Campbell, C. A. | 164 |
Campbell, C. M., Rev. | 36, 37 |
Campbell, John S., Dr. | 149 |
Campbell, Mal | 155 |
Campbell, Thomas | 91 |
Canipe, Dorothy, Miss | 43 |
Cannon, E. R. | 158, 170 |
Cannon, J. F. | 21 |
Cannon, John F. | 20 |
Cannon, Wm. F. | 65 |
Capitular Masonry | 115 |
Capps, B. | 136 |
Capps, B. M. | 105 |
Capps, Bismarck | 104 |
Capps, Bismarck, Judge | 141 |
Capps, Bismark, Judge | 140 |
Carolina Chenille Co. | 15 |
Carolina District Convention | 106 |
Carolina Dyeing and Winding Co., Inc. | 13, 157, 179 |
Carolina Florist (advt) | 225 |
Carolina Freight Carrier's Corp. | 16 |
Carothers, E. S. | 117 |
Carothers, E. W. | 9 |
Carothers, E. Woodrow | 105 |
Carothers. J. C. | 108 |
Carpenter, B. F. | 21, 152 |
Carpenter, C. C. | 136 |
Carpenter, C. E. | 136 |
Carpenter, Carl G. | 15, 128, 129 |
Carpenter, F. L. | 136 |
Carpenter, J. D. | 176 |
Carpenter, J. G. | 135, 136 |
Carpenter, J. S. P. | 169 |
Carpenter, John G. | 21, 104, 194 |
Carpenter, M. A. | 21, 104, 126, 168 |
Carpenter, O. B. | 136 |
Carpenter, O. D. | 163 |
Carpenter, Oscar B. | 21 |
Carpenter, Robert L. | 136 |
Carr, Annie B. | 67 |
Carroll family | 197 |
Carroll, J. W. | 45 |
Carroll, J. Wiley | 197 |
Carroll, Joseph | 34 |
Carson brothers | 35 |
Carson family | 197 |
Carson, Catherine, Miss | 89 |
Carson, Everett C. | 45 |
Carson, Matilda, Miss | 89 |
Carson, T. R. | 116 |
Carter Hill Gold Mining Co. | 2 |
Carter Mills (advt) | 223 |
Carter Traveler Company (advt) | 223 |
Carter, A. B. (advt) | 223 |
Carter, Dewey | 100 |
Cash, Leon | 20 |
Catawba Hydro Plant | 86 |
Catawba Mfg. & Electric Power Co. | 162 |
Catawba Power Company | 190 |
Catawba River | 1, 2, 11, 13, 28, 30, 32, 86, 159, 179, 187, 193, 199 |
Catawba, shoals of (advt) | 203 |
Cathcart, Lillian S., Miss | 60 |
Cathedral, St. Luke's | 49 |
Cathey, George | 91 |
Cathey, S. C. | 34 |
Cathey, William Lewis | 45 |
Catholics | 51, 52, 54 |
Cavin, W. M. | 129 |
Cavis-Barkley "Amusu" | 199 |
cemetery, Hoyle's | 25, 193 |
cemetery, Long Creek Church | 35, 91 |
cemetery, Olney Church | 91 |
cemetery, Philadelphia Church | 32 |
Centennial Celebration, Gaston County | 186, 187, 188 |
Century of Growth, by Zoe Brockman | 186, 187, 188 |
Chalk, G. W. | 198 |
Chalk, George W. | 73, 74 |
Chalk, Sallie, Miss | 62 |
Chalk, T. G. | 5, 198 |
Chalk, Thomas G. | 74 |
Chamber of Commerce, Gastonia | 8, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 139, 183 |
Chandler, J. P. | 169 |
Chapel, St. Vincent's | 54 |
Charles II | 1 |
Charles Stores | 124 |
Charleston, S. C. | 57, 160 |
Charlotte Military Institute | 63 |
Charlotte, N. C. | 55 |
Charlotte, N. C. (advt) | 227 |
Chattanooga (advt) | 205 |
Cheatham, C. E. | 108 |
Cherry family | 197 |
Cherry, R. G. | 119, 127, 136, 176 |
Cherry, R. Gregg | 57, 99, 116 |
Cherry, R. Gregg, Mrs. | 186 |
Cherry, Robert G. | 98, 104 |
Cherryville, naming of | 16 |
Cherryville, NC | 16, 17 |
Cherryville, NC, incorporation of | 16 |
Chester, S. C. | 44, 84, 181 |
Chicago (advt) | 205 |
Childers, Max L. | 136 |
Choir, A Cappella | 112 |
Chreitzberg, H. F., Dr. | 37 |
Christian | 61 |
Chronicle family | 33 |
Chronicle Mills | 152, 182, 207 (advt) |
Chronicle, William, Major | 88, 89, 91, 92, 93 |
Chrysler (advt) | 221 |
Church Lutheran, Christ | 20 |
church population, colored | 7 |
Church, A. M. E. Zion | 7 |
Church, Adams Memorial | 40 |
Church, All Souls' | 50 |
Church, Antioch | 32 |
Church, Armstrong Memorial | 40 |
Church, Associate Reformed Presbyterian | 3, 7, 32, 35, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 62 |
Church, Baptist | 7, 23, 28, 18, 32, 35 |
Church, Bethany | 34 |
Church, Bradley Memorial | 37 |
Church, Broadway Baptist | 43 |
Church, Bruington | 32 |
Church, Catholic | 52 |
Church, Chapel Lutheran | 3 |
Church, Covenant Presbyterian | 23 |
Church, East Baptist | 41 |
Church, East End | 37 |
Church, East Gastonia | 32 |
Church, Emmanuel Lutheran | 46 |
Church, Episcopal | 31, 47 |
Church, Episcopal (York, S.C.) | 50 |
Church, First Associate Ref. Presby | 43 |
Church, First Baptist | 41 |
Church, First Gastonia | 44 |
Church, First Presbyterian | 38-40 |
Church, Franklin Avenue | 37 |
Church, Gastonia Evangelical Lutheran | 46 |
Church, Goshen | 3, 32, 33, 34, 91, 190, 194 |
Church, Grace Lutheran | 46 |
Church, Greek Orthodox | 7 |
Church, Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran | 46 |
Church, Kings Mountain | 43 |
Church, Linwood Community | 40 |
Church, Long Creek | 3, 24, 32, 34, 35 |
Church, Lowell Presbyterian | 23 |
Church, Lutheran | 3, 7, 20, 32, 194 |
Church, Main St. Methodist Episcopal | 35, 36, 37, 38 |
Church, Main Street Methodist | 3, 66, 143 |
Church, Maylo | 37 |
Church, Methodist | 3, 23 |
Church, Methodist Episcopal | 7, 18, 28, 43, 63 |
Church, Nebo | 34 |
Church, Northside Presbyterian | 40 |
Church, Ozark | 37 |
Church, Philadelphia | 3, 32 |
Church, Pisgah | 3, 32, 34, 43, 44, 194 |
Church, Presbyterian | 7, 32, 67, 194 |
Church, Protestant Episcopal | 7 |
Church, Roman Catholic | 7 |
Church, Second A. R. P. | 44 |
Church, Second Baptist | 41 |
Church, Second Methodist | 37 |
Church, Shiloh Methodist | 3, 32 |
Church, Smyre | 37 |
Church, St. Andrew's Mission | 47 |
Church, St. Helen's | 54 |
Church, St. John's Mission | 47 |
Church, St. Joseph's Catholic | 52 |
Church, St. Luke's Parish | 47 |
Church, St. Mark's | 32 |
Church, St. Mark's Parish | 47, 48, 49, 50 |
Church, St. Michael's Catholic | 51, 54 |
Church, Stanley Methodist | 20, 32 |
Church, Trinity | 37 |
Church, Wesleyan Methodist | 7 |
Church, West Avenue Presbyterian | 40 |
Church, West End | 37 |
Church, Woodlawn Baptist | 23 |
Churches, Negro | 59 |
Churchyard, Olney | 91 |
Chute, C. H., Rev. | 67 |
Cinderella Shoe Store (advt) | 222 |
City Board, Gastonia | 194 |
City Hall, Gastonia | 48, 192 |
City Paint Store (advt) | 230 |
Civil War (War Between the States) | 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 27, 52, 97, 135, 169, 196, 198 |
Clansman, The | 191 |
Clarke, C. C. | 170 |
Clegg, C. S. | 14, 158, 185 |
Clemmer family | 197 |
Clemmer, Charlie E. | 27 |
Clemmer, John | 159 |
Cleveland County (advt) | 217 |
Cleveland, ______ | 89 |
Cleveland, H. M. | 126 |
Clifford family | 197 |
Clifford, W. J. | 113, 119, 125 |
Clifford, W. J., Mrs. | 95 |
Clifford, William J. | 102 |
Cliffside Plant | 86 |
Clinton family | 197 |
Clinton, R. S., Mrs. | 111 |
Clinton, Roland S., Dr. | 134 |
Cloninger, Paul H. | 27 |
clothing, card (advt) | 216 |
Club, 4-H | 80, 82, 120 |
Club, Altrusa | 112 |
Club, Civitan | 8, 68, 105, 106, 107 |
Club, Eagles | 112 |
Club, Elks | 112 |
Club, Executives | 112 |
Club, Gaston Country | 186 |
Club, Gastonia Commercial | 195 |
Club, Gastonia Music | 111, 112 |
Club, Gastonia Woman's | 8, 108, 109, 110, 111 |
Club, Junior Woman's | 8, 112, 146 |
Club, Kiwanis | 8, 68, 104, 105 |
Club, Lions | 8, 68, 107, 108 |
Club, Moose | 112 |
Club, Optimist | 112 |
Club, Pilot | 112 |
Club, Rotary | 8, 68, 102, 103, 139, 142, 197 |
Club, War Mothers | 112 |
Clubs, State Federation of Music | 112 |
Cobb, Beverly C. | 136 |
Cobb, Jane, Miss | 81 |
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Gastonia | 215 (advt) |
Cocke, N. A. | 156 |
Cocke, Norman A. | 85 |
Cocker Machine & Foundry Company | 191, 229 (advt) |
Cocker, George B. | 102, 191 |
Cocker, George, Mrs. | 49 |
Coclin, George | 56 |
Coffey, Howard | 47 |
Cohen, Sidney | 56 |
Coker, D. R., Dr. | 110 |
College, Belmont Abbey | 53 |
College, Davidson | 111 |
College, Gaston | 25 |
College, Greensboro Female | 64 |
College, Guilford | 112 |
College, Linwood | 62 |
College, Sacred Heart Junior | 54 |
College, St. Mary's | 53 |
College, St. Vincent's | 53 |
College, State | 79, 80 |
College, State Normal | 64 |
College, Trinity | 63 |
College, Woodlawn Business | 13 |
Coltrane, D. B. | 14, 152, 165, 170 |
Columbia, S. C. | 36 |
Combed Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Center of America 4 | |
Combed Peeler Reverse | 191 |
combs, top (advt) | 217, 231, 235 |
Comer, James T. | 103 |
comet, Gastonia | 200 |
Coming Revolution, The | 191 |
Commercial Bank and Trust Co. | 127 |
Compton, Elizabeth | 155 |
concrete paving (advt) | 233 |
Cone, Caesar | 165 |
Confederate army | 19, 170 |
Confederate Monument | 96 |
Confederate Women's Home | 96 |
Conn, William | 100, 103 |
Connell, J. R. | 194 |
Constitutional Amendment campaign | 198 |
contractor (advt) | 233 |
Cook, A. B. | 172, 173 |
Cook, Percy H. | 136 |
Cooke, Frank P. | 136 |
Cooper, G. A. | 157, 234 (advt) |
Corbett, W. C., Rev. | 38 |
Cornwallis | 89 |
Cornwell, C. C. | 174 |
Costner family | 197 |
Costner, A. | 163 |
Costner, Adam | 32 |
Costner, Ambrose | 160, 180 |
Costner, F. A. | 39, 113, 115 |
Costner, J. A. | 3, 12, 163 |
Costner, M. H. | 163 |
Costner, R. E. | 163 |
Costner, T. F. | 163 |
Cothran, James D., Jr., Dr. | 135 |
cotton (advt) | 225 |
cotton brokers (advt) | 225, 226 |
cotton factories | 125, 150, 151 |
cotton factory, Arlington | 125, 158, 166, 195 |
cotton factory, Avon | 125 |
Cotton Textile Institute | 110 |
cotton waste (advt) | 219 |
County, Gaston, N. C. | 34 |
County, Gaston, N. C. (advt) | 201, 202, 203, 208, 210, 215, 217, 222, 225 |
County, Lincoln | 34 |
County, Tryon | 1, 34, 88 |
Court House, County | 44 |
Court House, Dallas | 24, 25, 26, 133 |
Court House, Gastonia | 96, 136, 192 |
Court Week, Dallas | 25 |
court, Gaston County | 191 |
Covington, Van B. | 70 |
Cowpens | 88 |
Cowpens, Battle of | 89 |
Cox, Elisha | 91 |
Cox, R. F. | 154, 156 |
Coxe, Bessie, Miss | 137 |
Cozy | 199 |
Craig and Jenkins Bank | 193, 196 |
Craig and Jenkins Banking Co. | 124 |
Craig and Wilson building | 198 |
Craig buildings | 143 |
Craig family | 6, 197 |
Craig, Burton | 152, 170 |
Craig, Clyde, Lt. | 98 |
Craig, D. J. | 199 |
Craig, E. D. | 45, 119, 121, 123, 147 |
Craig, Eugene | 21 |
Craig, H. M. | 21, 158 |
Craig, I. E. | 158 |
Craig, J. H. | 38, 113, 124, 125, 151, 162, 164, 195 |
Craig, J. M. | 4, 199 |
Craig, J. Milton | 65, 141 |
Craig, J. R. | 199 |
Craig, J. Robert | 191 |
Craig, John H. | 5, 6, 124, 180, 181, 193, 194 |
Craig, John M. | 199 |
Craig, Marion, Miss | 38 |
Craig, Mary, Mrs. | 38 |
Craig, R. F. | 21, 158, 170, 173, 174, 176, 183 |
Craig, R. J. | 113 |
Craig, Sally, Miss | 124 |
Craig, T. L. | 70, 119, 168, 176, 199 |
Craig, T. L., Mrs. | 95, 96, 97 |
Craig, Thomas L. | 39, 62, 125, 153, 165, 166, 194, 195, 200 |
Craig, Thomas L., Col. | 200 |
Craig, Thomas L., Mrs. | 39 |
Cramer, G. B. | 155 |
Cramer, Geo. B. | 19 |
Cramer, S. W. | 17, 155, 168, 185 |
Cramer, S. W., Jr. | 19, 155 |
Cramer, Stuart W. | 200 |
Cramer, Stuart W., Sr. | 18, 19 |
Cramerton, NC | 17, 18, 19 |
Crane, Wilson H. | 129 |
Cranford, J. Frank, Dr. | 134 |
Craven, C. W. | 60 |
Craven, J. B., Dr. | 38 |
Cravner, William C., Rev. | 50 |
Crawford, James | 34 |
Crawford, R. O. | 40, 108 |
Creek, Crowder's | 34 |
Creek, Doctor's | 11 |
Creek, Dutchman's | 11, 12 |
Creek, Long | 88, 191 |
Creek, Muddy | 88 |
Crenshaw, W. H. | 157 |
crepes (advt) | 224 |
Cromer, J. L., Rev. | 46 |
Crowders Mountain | 3, 57, 59, 60, 102, 103, 141, 142, 188, 200 |
Crundy, Arthur | 107 |
Cryptic Masonry | 114 |
Culp, A. E. | 100, 108, 123 |
Culp, J. P., Mrs. | 95 |
Culp, J. W. | 140 |
Culp, J. W., Mrs. | 95 |
Culp, John W. | 102 |
Cumberland County, N. C. | 88 |
Cunningham, F. Hoyt | 104 |
Current, A. C., Dr. | 135 |
Current, Alfred | 103 |
Curry family | 197 |
Curry, Bruce | 60 |
Curry, J. E. | 191 |
Curry, M. H., Mrs. | 95 |
Cutter, J. H. | 171 |
cylinders, spinning (advt) | 217, 231, 236 |
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