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Gastonia and Gaston County, North Carolina 1846 – 1949 by Joseph H. Separk; INDEX: M


Mabry, I. F. 173
Mackie, H. S.  100
Maddox, Don 122
magazine, The Land We Love 11
mail delivery 191
Major William Chronicle Chapt., D. A. R. 92, 93
Makepeace, W. R. 162
Maloney, Miss 147
Manardy, ______ 136
Mandanis, Peter J. 56, 58
Mangum family 197
Mangum, A. G. 71, 104, 131, 135, 136, 169
Mangum, A. G., Mrs. 8
Mangum, Addison G., Mr. 48
Mangum, Addison G., Mrs. 48
Mann, LeRoy 45
Manufacturing Co. property, Gray  67
Manufacturing Co., A. M. Smyre  153, 206 (advt)
Manufacturing Co., Aberfoyle  10, 155, 179
Manufacturing Co., Adrian 13, 171
Manufacturing Co., Akron  168, 170, 176
Manufacturing Co., Albion  163, 173
Manufacturing Co., Alsace  13, 170, 174
Manufacturing Co., Armon  162
Manufacturing Co., Atlas  15, 170, 171
Manufacturing Co., Brison 174
Manufacturing Co., Cherryville  16, 151
Manufacturing Co., Clara  157, 168
Manufacturing Co., Dorothy  157, 171
Manufacturing Co., Flint  152, 197
Manufacturing Co., Gaston  16, 166
Manufacturing Co., Gastonia Cotton  162, 166, 180, 181, 182, 190, 195
Manufacturing Co., Gray  158, 166, 168, 190
Manufacturing Co., Harden  163, 214 (advt)
Manufacturing Co., Holland  169, 172
Manufacturing Co., Hooper  162, 180
Manufacturing Co., Howell  16, 152
Manufacturing Co., Huss  167, 170, 175
Manufacturing Co., Kings Mountain 199
Manufacturing Co., Lola  21, 164, 171, 173
Manufacturing Co., Majestic  10, 152, 207 (advt)
Manufacturing Co., Mayes  17, 155, 168, 171
Manufacturing Co., McLean  155, 167, 170, 175
Manufacturing Co., Melville  169
Manufacturing Co., Mountain Island  162, 180
Manufacturing Co., Nims  13, 164
Manufacturing Co., Osage  14, 15, 152, 165, 170, 178
Manufacturing Co., Peerless  169
Manufacturing Co., Ranlo  153, 161, 163, 164, 178
Manufacturing Co., Renwood  163
Manufacturing Co., Rhyne 22
Manufacturing Co., Rhyne-Houser  16, 153
Manufacturing Co., Slater  15, 165, 170
Manufacturing Co., South Fork  10, 158
Manufacturing Co., Spring Shoals  27, 161, 180, 191
Manufacturing Co., Stanley  21, 171
Manufacturing Co., Tuckaseege  13, 161, 180
Manufacturing Co., Wildan  16, 155, 169
Manufacturing Co., Woodlawn  13, 161, 168, 180
manufacturing plant, Mayes  155
manufacturing plant, Mayflower  155
Manville-Jenckes Co. 31, 121, 167, 175, 176
Manville-Jenckes interests 165, 167, 200
Mark, Jerome, Rabbi 56
Marshall, Sam, Mr. 50
Marshall, W. F. 63, 70, 71, 74, 198
Marshall, W. F., Mrs. 42, 95
Martin family 33
Martin, C. H. 38
Martin, Irma, Miss 147
Martin, John 91
Martin, R. C. 123
Martin, R. M. 5, 73
Martin, Samuel 91
Mason, C. E.  171
Mason, Frank 136
Mason, George B. 104, 127, 136, 158, 182
Mason, O. F. 37, 41, 63, 125, 153, 172
Mason, O. F., Jr. 130, 136
Mason, O. F., Mrs. 42
Mason, O. F., Sr. 21, 135, 191
Mason, William A. 136
Masonic Temple 113
Masons 113
Massey, John 91
Massey, O. E. 4
Massey-Clark Company 13
Matheson, J. P., Dr. 148
Mathews, J. H. 40
Mathews, Maggie, Miss 62
Matthews, Henry 123
Matthews, Henry B. 107
Matthews, J. H. 125
Matthews, J. H., Jr. 40
Matthews, J. H., Mrs. 97
Matthews, O. P. 123
Mattock, John, Capt. 89
Mattocks family 33
Mauney family 197
Mauney, Christian 88, 89
Mauney, D. H. 177
Mauney, D. P. 176
Mauney, D. P., Jr. 176
Mauney, David 166
Mauney, J. S. 151, 169
Mauney, Lura P. 176
Mauney, M. C. 152
Mauney, M. L. 173
Mauney, S. S. 166, 167, 176
Mauney, W. A. 151, 169
Mauney, W. K. 177, 185
Mauney, W. L. 155, 167
Mayes, J. H. 17, 155, 168, 170, 175
May-Worth 171
McAden Mills 27, 28, 151, 161, 178, 180, 181, 192, 196
McAden, B. F. 151, 161
McAden, Ben F. 180
McAden, Benjamin 29
McAden, George 29
McAden, Giles M., Dr. 28, 29
McAden, H. M. 125, 128, 151
McAden, Henry M.  29, 167, 192
McAden, J. H. 157
McAden, John H. 151, 161
McAden, John M. 180
McAden, R. Y. 28, 151, 161, 180
McAdenville, NC 27, 28, 29, 30, 211
McAllister family 197
McArver family 197
McArver, Lula Hanna, Mrs. 45
McArver, William T. 115
McCarson, Marguerite 122
McCarter, E. A. 123
McCarter, E. A., Mrs. 111
McCarter, R. W. 40
McCartha, Carl W. 106, 107
McCaul family 33
McCluney, M. S. 116
McCluney's, Inc. (advt) 226
McCombs, C. J., Dr. 134
McCombs, Cyrus J. 115
McConnell family 197
McConnell, D. E., Dr. (first Gaston library) 70, 71, 135, 198
McConnell, D. E., Mrs. 109
McConnell, H. R., Mr. 97
McConnell, Thomas 177
McCormick, L. R., Rev. 38
McDill, T. H., Dr. 45, 107
McDill, Thomas H., Dr. 106
McDonald, C. E., Rev. 44
McDonald, Nonie, Miss 147
McDonald, S. H. 156
McDowell, Edward, Mrs. 111
McDowell, Robert 21
McElwee, John 34
McElwee, William 34
McElwee, William, Sr. 34
McGhee, B. O. 38
McGhee, Basil, Mr. 138
McGinnis, Madeline, Mrs. 131
McGowan, J. C. 85
McIlwain, W. E., Rev. 23, 38, 39
McInerney, Michael 51
McIver, Charles D., Mrs. 108
McKay, Sam 40
McKee family 33
McKee, J. H. 157
McKelvie Machine Company (advt) 232
McKelvie, H. M. 116, 159
McKelvie, Henry M. 140, 141
McKemy, Willie 95
McKemy, Willie, Miss 138
McKenzie, J. C. 116
McKinney, T. H. 155
McKintosh, William 65
McLaughen family 197
McLaughen, George F. 9
McLaughlin, Jamie, Prof. 63
McLean family 33, 197
McLean, A. A. 125, 166, 167, 170, 171, 175, 196
McLean, A. A., Jr. 154, 167, 170, 175
McLean, A. A., Mrs. 95, 109
McLean, C. L. 17, 155, 168
McLean, J. C., Dr. 134
McLean, J. H. 136
McLean, John D., Dr. 21
McLean, Leon 21
McLean, R. C. 21
McLean, R. S. 170, 175
McLean, Robert C. 173
McLean, W. G. 4
McLeod, ______ 136
McLurd, E. G. 125, 126, 131
McLurd, Edward G. 115
McLurd, R. L. 21
McManus, T. O. 151
McPherson, Gordon A., Rev. 40
McSwain, D. C. 116, 117
McSwain, Pat, Mr. 188
McWhorter 126
McWhorter, Alexander, Rev. 32
Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence 88
Medical and Surgical Society 133
Medical Fraternity 132
Medical Society, Gaston County 132
Medical Society, York District 133
Medlin, Luther 107
Medlock, Boyce 24
Meekins, Lena Allen, Mrs. 111
Mellichampe, W. Lawton, Rev. 48
Melvin, A. J. 102
Melvin, A. S. 116
Melvin, Adam 100
Melvin, Adam J. (advt) 231
Melvin, Andrew S. 113, 115
Melvin, James A. 116, 231 (advt)
Memorial Day, Gaston County 95
Memphis Cotton Exchange (advt) 225
Memphis, Tennessee (advt) 225
Mendenhall, Nathan 91
Men's League 42
Mercer, Harold (advt) 219
Merchants Association, Gaston County 8, 122, 123
Merrill family 197
metal, textile sheet (advt) 217, 236
Methodists of Gastonia 36
Mexico 45
Michael, F. C. (advt) 206
Michael, F. C., Mrs. 63, 74, 97, 137
Michael, W. F., Mrs. 95
Milam, J. Henry 136
Military Organizations 97
Military, 105th Engineers 98
Military, 113th Field Artillery 98
Military, 117th Infantry 98
Military, 120th Infantry, the 30th Division 99
Military, 1st battalion North Carolina 98
Military, 1st NC Infantry, Co. B 97, 98
Military, 1st North Carolina Cavalry 98
Military, 2nd battalion, 120th Infantry 99
Military, 30th Division 98
Military, 4th NC Infantry, Co. K 97
Military, Co. K, 3rd Battalion, 120th Inf. 99
Military, NC Infantry 1st Co. 99
Militia Organization 97
Mill and Marine Electric, Inc. (advt) 206
Mill Co., Smith Cotton 15, 169
Mill Devices Company (advt)  223
Mill plant, Piedmont Cotton 169
mill repairs (advt) 228
Mill, Dorothy Cotton 26
Mill, Flint 190
Mill, Gray 191
Mill, Lawrence 160
Mill, Loray 68, 167, 192, 193, 195, 197, 200
Mill, Mountain Island 29, 159, 180, 196
Mill, Old Baker's 169
Mill, Pinhook 22, 23, 160, 161, 193
Mill, Woodlawn 22, 23, 159, 160, 161, 180, 190, 193
Mill, Wymajo 158
Miller Clinic of Charlotte 148
Miller family 197
Miller, Claude R., Mrs. 74
Miller, Edith Morrow, Mrs. 38
Miller, Ernest 47
Miller, J. M, Jr. 170
Miller, J. Y., Mrs. 72, 94
Miller, John M., III 104, 126
Miller, Oscar L., Dr. 147, 148
Miller, R. M., Jr. 30, 164
Miller, Robert M., Jr. 165
Mills Co., Albion Cotton 170
Mills Co., Armstrong Cotton 156, 171
Mills Co., Champion Cotton 175
Mills Co., Gambrill & Melville 15, 152, 166, 171
Mills Co., George Cotton 174
Mills Co., Globe 158, 174, 226 (advt)
Mills Co., High Shoals Cotton 30, 31, 164, 165, 175, 178
Mills Co., Mascot Cotton 169, 170
Mills Co., Mildred Cotton 174
Mills Co., Monarch Cotton 26, 158, 168
Mills Co., Morowebb Cotton 26, 27, 152
Mills Co., Mount Holly Cotton 170, 174, 180
Mills Co., Mutual Cotton 158, 172, 198
Mills Co., Piedmont Spinning  172
Mills Co., Seminole Cotton 158, 172
Mills Co., Victory Yarn 158
Mills Co., Winget Yarn 158, 173, 174
Mills Inc, Anna Cotton 169,170
Mills Inc. Dallas 27
Mills Inc., Adams-Spencer Yarn 174
Mills Inc., American Cotton 15, 154
Mills Inc., Arkay 158
Mills Inc., Arkray 175
Mills Inc., Art Cloth 23, 156, 176, 177
Mills Inc., Associated Hosiery 177
Mills Inc., Belmont Hosiery 11, 156
Mills Inc., Buffalo 174, 175
Mills Inc., Carlton Yarn 16, 155
Mills Inc., Cramerton 17, 18, 19, 155, 169, 171
Mills Inc., Crescent 15, 168
Mills Inc., Dixon 153
Mills Inc., Elizabeth 158, 165
Mills Inc., Eureka Hosiery 173
Mills Inc., Firestone Cotton 159, 167, 178
Mills Inc., Gaston Knitting 173
Mills Inc., Gastonia Thread Yarn 157, 168, 179
Mills Inc., Glenn-McLean Knitting 173
Mills Inc., Globe Yarn 13, 158, 174
Mills Inc., Gray  (advt) 235
Mills Inc., Hanover 156, 172, 173
Mills Inc., Hanover Thread 156, 172
Mills Inc., Imperial Yarn 152, 207 (advt)
Mills Inc., Josephine Knitting 176
Mills Inc., Linford 154
Mills Inc., Lloyd Cotton 172
Mills Inc., Lola 164, 171, 173, 178
Mills Inc., Lola Gingham 21, 157, 176
Mills Inc., Mays 17, 19, 169, 171
Mills Inc., Merco 158
Mills Inc., Mountain View 170, 173
Mills Inc., Myers 158, 174
Mills Inc., Myrtle 158, 173
Mills Inc., National Yarn 152, 207 (advt)
Mills Inc., Osceola 158, 171, 173
Mills Inc., Parkdale 153, 226 (advt)
Mills Inc., Pharr Worsted  (advt) 211
Mills Inc., Piedmont 159, 224 (advt)
Mills Inc., Pinckney 156
Mills Inc., Pinkney 172
Mills Inc., Priscilla 158, 175, 177
Mills Inc., Rankin 156, 173
Mills Inc., Ridge 154
Mills Inc., Ruby Cotton 153
Mills Inc., Shuford 175
Mills Inc., Standard Knitting 172
Mills Inc., Stanley 22
Mills Inc., Superior Yarn 13, 156, 162
Mills Inc., Vermont 15, 167, 168
Mills Incorporated, Robinson   27, 218 (advt)
Mills No. 2, American Cotton 155, 175, 178
Mills No. 3, Judson 23, 176, 177
Mills, Algodon 15
Mills, Arlington Cotton 125, 158, 166, 195
mills, Armstrong-Winget 120
Mills, Avon 163, 165, 166, 177, 190, 195
Mills, Belmont 161
Mills, Bessemer City Cotton 14, 15, 166
Mills, Burlington 19
Mills, Cherryville Knitting 176, 177
Mills, Chronicle 152, 182, 207 (advt)
Mills, Cora Cotton 158, 199
Mills, Dallas Cotton 26, 164
Mills, Dilling 199
Mills, Dora Yarn 16
Mills, Eagle Yarn 10, 154
Mills, Groves 153, 172, 197
Mills, Inc., The - (Belmont) 10
Mills, Jackson (Wellford, S. C.) 31, 176, 178
Mills, Leaksville Woolen 13
Mills, Lockmore 158
Mills, Lola 158
Mills, Lowell Cotton 23, 157, 167
Mills, Madora 13
Mills, Mayflower 19, 178
Mills, McAden 27, 28, 151, 161, 178, 180, 181, 191, 192, 196
Mills, Modena Cotton 35, 68, 84, 163, 164, 195, 198
Mills, Mount Hecla 159
Mills, Mount Holly Cotton 160
Mills, Osage 15
Mills, Ozark 68, 151, 195
Mills, Phoenix 199
Mills, Renfrow Cotton 163
Mills, Southern Cotton 165, 167, 168
Mills, Spencer Mountain 22, 151, 161, 165, 178, 180
Mills, Stanley Creek Cotton 21, 164, 171
Mills, Stowe 29, 30, 193, 211 (advt)
Mills, Trenton Cotton 151, 163, 164, 194, 195, 221 (advt)
Mills, Vivian Cotton 167
Mills, Whetstone Cotton 14, 167
Mills, Winsor Cotton 164
Mingis, W. K. 116
missionary  44
Missionary District of Asheville 48
Missionary Societies 36
Mitcham and Company (advt) 210
Mitchell, Fred 157
Mitchell, J. R. 171
Model Farm, The 11
Modena cotton factory 125
Modena Cotton Mills 35, 68, 84, 163, 164
Monroe, Paul 100
Monroe, Paul E. 4, 47, 107, 136, 137, 138
Moore 14
Moore and Stewart, Inc. (advt) 209
Moore family 33, 197
Moore, A. A. 177
Moore, A. E. 126, 171, 200
Moore, Alexander 91
Moore, Alfred 165
Moore, Andrew E. 125, 129, 167
Moore, Clyde 70
Moore, Ernest F. 99
Moore, H. B. 41, 70
Moore, H. B., Mrs. 42
Moore, J. D.  6, 71, 95, 124, 125, 152, 162, 164, 166, 181, 195
Moore, J. D., Captain 41, 198
Moore, J. M. 116, 117
Moore, J. Marion 117
Moore, J. W. 151, 161, 165, 180
Moore, James 151
Moore, John 91
Moore, John W., Mrs. 111
Moore, John W., Rev. 37, 38
Moore, Kathleen Rankin 89
Moore, L. G. 24
Moore, Lucinda, Mrs. 93
Moore, Martha J. 41
Moore, Maurice A. 135
Moore, Odus L. 75
Moore, R. A., Dr. 148
Moore, R. D. 14
Moore, R. L. 108
Moore, Robert, Dr. 148
Moore, T. E. 126, 155, 200
Moore, T. E., Colonel 200
Moore, Thomas 167
Moore, W. P. 40
Moore, W. P., Mrs. 21
Moore, W. W., Rev. 39
Moore, Webb, Mrs. 144
Moore, Y. D., Jr. 104
Moral Code for Youth, The 107
Moran, Owen W., Rev. 42
More, Miss 147
More, William 11
Morgan, C. I., Rev. 46
Morgan, E. R. 9, 99, 113, 189
Morgan, Ernest 101
Morgan, Ernest R. 115
Morgan, General 89
Morgan, Phillip 112
Morowebb Cotton Mills Co. 152
Morris family 197
Morris, C. Roy 108, 123
Morris, Colonel 27
Morris, S. M. 164, 194, 195
Morris, W. B. 102, 123
Morris, W. M. 104
Morris, W. S. 125
Morris, William B. 115
Morrison, Wm. N. 33
Morriss, J. T., Mrs. 111
Morrow family 197
Morrow, D. E. 3
Morton, Charles A., Maj. Gen. 98
Moser, Claude H., Rev. 38
Moser, Helen, Miss 47
Moser, J. E., Dr. 135
Moser, S. E., Dr. 135
Moser, S. Everett, Dr. 106
Mosley-Barnes safe 124
Moss, E. V. 129
Moton, C. N.  131
Moton, Chester 47
Moton, Clyde 47
Mount Holly city school board 14
Mount Holly Knitting Co. 163
Mount Holly Mayor W. B. Rutledge 12
Mount Holly Steam Plant 87
Mount Holly, N. C.  11, 12, 13, 14, 200, 209 (advt), 226 (advt)
Mount Holly, N. J. 12
Mount Holly, taxable property 13
Mountain Island 159, 162, 190, 191
Mountain Island Station 86, 87
Mountain, Crowders 3, 57, 59, 60, 102, 103, 141, 142, 188, 200 
Mountain, Pasour 2
Mountain, Spencer 54, 165
Mountain, Whetstone 14, 195
Mullen, James 101, 105, 130, 136, 189
Mullen, Summey 191
Murchison, Blanche 64
Murphy, Horace 116
Murphy, P. P. 158
Murphy, Ural R. 136
Murphy, W. C. 21
Museum, Nature 140
Myers, A. G. 68, 70, 102, 115, 119, 125, continued…..
Myers, A. G. (continued) 126, 127, 137, 144, 152, 153, 154, 155, cont.
Myers, A. G. (continued) 156, 157, 158, 165, 171, 172, 173, 174, cont.
Myers, A. G. (continued) 175, 176, 177, 182, 196, 197
Myers, A. G., Mrs. 92
Myers, Albert G. 102
Myers, Albert G. Jr. 127, 182
Myers, C. C. 126

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