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Gastonia and Gaston County, North Carolina 1846 – 1949 by Joseph H. Separk; INDEX: W


W. & J. Knox Net and Twine Co. 162
W. and J. Knox Net and Twine Co. 162
W. D. Lawson and Company (advt) 225
W. L. Wells and Company 190
W. R. Sparrow and Company (advt) 221
W. T. Rankin interests 170
Waddell, R. E. 5
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 92
Walker, Pete 108
Wall, Miriam, Miss 149
Wallace family 198
Wallace, Alice, Miss 131
Wallace, C. M. 45
Walters, William L. 115
Walton, Mrs. 48
Walton, T. J., Col. 8
War Bond 101
War Labor Board, Fourth Regional  184
Ward, R. L. 14
Ward, Virginia 4, 81
Ware family 198
Ware, J. H. 14
Ware, J. White 125, 126, 127, 171, 176
Ware, J. White, Mrs. 138
Ware, W. R., Dr. 37
Ware, White 126
Warlick, A. C., Jr. 141
Warner Swasey Faller Bars (advt) 235
warp equipment (advt) 229
Warren family 198
Warren Gardner's (advt) 229
Warren, Adolphus W. 200
Warren, E. R. 136
Warren, O. A. 136
Warren, R. C. 200
Warren, R. C., Mrs. 95, 109
Warren, W. Y. 72, 115, 117, 196, 200
Wateree Power Co. 161, 162
Waters, F. M. 40, 70
Waters, Fred M. 105
Watson Insurance Agency, Inc. (advt) 215
Watson, T. Craig 116
Watson, W. F., Dr. 41
Waverly Braid Mills (advt) 231
Wear Cotton campaign 110
weather, Gastonia 199
Webb Theatre (advt) 225
Webb, C. J. 152
Webb, E. Y., Judge 35
Webb, G. M., Rev. 35
Webb, George 29
Webster, W. T., Mrs. 97
Weil, Herman 148
Weil, Lionel, Mrs. 148
Weir, A. F., Mrs. 138
Welch, C. D. 19, 126, 127, 155
Wells, A. N. 163
Wells, Abram N., Rev. 20
Wells, Abram, Rev. 12
Wells, Burwell 12
Wells, W. L. 190
Wetmore, William Robards, Rev. 47
Wetzell, W. L. 174
Wetzell, Wm. L. 104
Whetstone Mountain 195
whiskey distilleries 2, 196
Whisnant, H. B. 40
Whitaker, Chas. R., Mrs. 93
Whitaker, Edgar S. 137
White family 197
White Front Pharmacy 200
White, Hugh E. 102, 140
White, I. A. 15, 128
White, J. A., Rev. 41
White, J. O. 115, 125, 131, 152, 153, 194
White, James Hillhouse 26
White, James T. 116
White, John E., Dr. 42
Whitener, Basil L. 136
Whitesides family 198
Whitesides, A. F. 45, 93
Whitesides, A. F., Mrs. 93, 94
Whitesides, A. M. 67
Whitesides, E.   164
Whitesides, E. L. 164
Whitesides, Edward 62, 195
Whitesides, F. A. 9, 130, 141, 159, 189
Whitesides, Francis 100, 147
Whitesides, Francis A. 130, 141
Whitesides, J. C., Dr. 134
Whitesides, M. V. 45, 107, 119, 140
Whitesides, Major V. 106
Whitley, W. L. 117
Whitlock, P. C. 148
Whitney 14
Whitney and Moore lumber plant 14
Whitney, C. E. 136, 166, 168
Whitney, Floyd G. 136
wholesale manufacturers (advt) 215
Wilcox, A. D. 147
Wilfong, John E. 45
Wilkins, C. E. 176
Wilkins, E. A. 175
Wilkins, J. H. 15, 167, 168
Wilkins, John A. 136
Wilkins, Mabel Craig, Mrs. 90
Wilkins, Maude, Miss 90
Wilkins, S. A. 168
Wilkins, T. A. 93, 104
Wilkinson, T. F. 21
Wilkinson, W. C. 169
William Gaston Chapter, D. A. R. 89, 91
Williams family 198
Williams, C. B., Rev. 35
Williams, Dameron 99
Williams, Dameron H. 137
Williams, J. M. 169
Williams, Tom N. 197
Williamson, A. C.  164, 195
Williford, Quay D. 40
Williford, Quay, Mrs. 94
Willis, G. G. 126, 127
Willis, George G. 127, 138
Wilson family 5, 6, 198
Wilson, Brown  101, 145
Wilson, Brown W. 107, 189
Wilson, Brown, Mrs. 50
Wilson, C. L. 70
Wilson, Crown W., Mrs. 137
Wilson, Dr. 132
Wilson, E. C. 151, 165
Wilson, E. L. 152
Wilson, E. Lee 191
Wilson, F. L. 172
Wilson, Frank G., Dr. 134
Wilson, G. W. 71
Wilson, Geo. W. 126
Wilson, Geo. W., Mrs. 93, 94
Wilson, George E. 169
Wilson, George W. 136
Wilson, George W., Mrs. 67, 89, 92, 94
Wilson, Ike M. 104
Wilson, J. C., Mrs. 97
Wilson, J. Harvey 151, 161, 165, 180
Wilson, Jack 45
Wilson, John 91
Wilson, M. T. 125, 153
Wilson, Mary, Miss 199
Wilson, Newt, Colonel 196
Wilson, Osie Shuford, Mrs. 90
Wilson, President 200
Wilson, Rufus B. 135
Wilson, S. W. 194
Wilson, T. L. 107, 127, 128, 153, 184
Wilson, T. W. 44, 125, 162, 165, 180, 195
Wilson, T. W., Mrs. 95, 96
Wilson, Thomas 44, 125
Wilson, Thomas Lee 144
Wilson, Thomas W. 62, 125
Wilson, W. H. 44, 113
Wilson, William H., Dr. 134, 191
Wilson, Wm. H. 133
Wilson, Woodrow, President 91, 98
Wimmer, Boniface, Archabbot 52, 53
Wingate, James L.  108
Winget family 197
Winget, A. K. 40, 70, 115, 126, 157, 158, 165, 168, continued….
Winget, A. K. (continued) 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 182, 185
Winget, A. K., Jr. 127, 138
Winget, Arthur K. 104
Winget, H. G. 40, 130
Winget, H. Gilmer 104, 105
Winget, J. S. 115
Winget, J. Sid 116
Winget, J. Sidney 104
Winget, Joseph S. 114, 115
Winget's, Inc. (advt) 221
Winnsboro, S. C. 44, 89
Winston-Salem, N. C. 85
Wisteria Hosiery Mill 121
Withers family 198
Withers, F. R. 153
Withers, J. R. 172
Withers, John R. 152
Withers, P. T., Mr. 49
Withers, W. C. 153, 172
Witherspoon, David 112
Witherspoon, James 91
Wix Accessories Corporation 121
Wolfe, Herman, Father 52
Wolfe, L. A. 108
Wollf, Mrs. 26
Wollf, S. A., Prof. 26, 63
Woltz, A. E. 136, 172
Woltz, C. B. 15, 136
Woman's Auxiliary, Episcopal 50
Woman's Betterment Association 108, 109
Woman's Missionary Society 42
Woman's Society of Christian Service 38
Wood, Dean 108
Wood, S. C. 199
Wood, S. Eugene 176
Wood, W. H. 129
Woodlawn Post Office 12
Woody, M. E., Jr., Dr. 135
Woolstein, Richmond 177
Worcester, Massachusetts (advt) 216
Workman family 197
Workman, J. M. 40
World War I  74, 90, 138, 200
World War II 49, 57, 101, 121, 141, 184
Wray, Joe 93
Wray, Joe S. 66, 70, 108, 119
Wray, W. Hugh 102
Wright , J. Robert 128
Wright, Robert, Mrs. 112
Wright, William "Bill" 22
Wright's Station 22
Wyche, W. E. 40
W. & J. Knox Net and Twine Co. 162
W. and J. Knox Net and Twine Co. 162
W. D. Lawson and Company (advt) 225
W. L. Wells and Company 190
W. R. Sparrow and Company (advt) 221
W. T. Rankin interests 170
Waddell, R. E. 5
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 92
Walker, Pete 108
Wall, Miriam, Miss 149
Wallace family 198
Wallace, Alice, Miss 131
Wallace, C. M. 45
Walters, William L. 115
Walton, Mrs. 48
Walton, T. J., Col. 8
War Bond 101
War Labor Board, Fourth Regional  184
Ward, R. L. 14
Ward, Virginia 4, 81
Ware family 198
Ware, J. H. 14
Ware, J. White 125, 126, 127, 171, 176
Ware, J. White, Mrs. 138
Ware, W. R., Dr. 37
Ware, White 126
Warlick, A. C., Jr. 141
Warner Swasey Faller Bars (advt) 235
warp equipment (advt) 229
Warren family 198
Warren Gardner's (advt) 229
Warren, Adolphus W. 200
Warren, E. R. 136
Warren, O. A. 136
Warren, R. C. 200
Warren, R. C., Mrs. 95, 109
Warren, W. Y. 72, 115, 117, 196, 200
Wateree Power Co. 161, 162
Waters, F. M. 40, 70
Waters, Fred M. 105
Watson Insurance Agency, Inc. (advt) 215
Watson, T. Craig 116
Watson, W. F., Dr. 41
Waverly Braid Mills (advt) 231
Wear Cotton campaign 110
weather, Gastonia 199
Webb Theatre (advt) 225
Webb, C. J. 152
Webb, E. Y., Judge 35
Webb, G. M., Rev. 35
Webb, George 29
Webster, W. T., Mrs. 97
Weil, Herman 148
Weil, Lionel, Mrs. 148
Weir, A. F., Mrs. 138
Welch, C. D. 19, 126, 127, 155
Wells, A. N. 163
Wells, Abram N., Rev. 20
Wells, Abram, Rev. 12
Wells, Burwell 12
Wells, W. L. 190
Wetmore, William Robards, Rev. 47
Wetzell, W. L. 174
Wetzell, Wm. L. 104
Whetstone Mountain 195
whiskey distilleries 2, 196
Whisnant, H. B. 40
Whitaker, Chas. R., Mrs. 93
Whitaker, Edgar S. 137
White family 197
White Front Pharmacy 200
White, Hugh E. 102, 140
White, I. A. 15, 128
White, J. A., Rev. 41
White, J. O. 115, 125, 131, 152, 153, 194
White, James Hillhouse 26
White, James T. 116
White, John E., Dr. 42
Whitener, Basil L. 136
Whitesides family 198
Whitesides, A. F. 45, 93
Whitesides, A. F., Mrs. 93, 94
Whitesides, A. M. 67
Whitesides, E.   164
Whitesides, E. L. 164
Whitesides, Edward 62, 195
Whitesides, F. A. 9, 130, 141, 159, 189
Whitesides, Francis 100, 147
Whitesides, Francis A. 130, 141
Whitesides, J. C., Dr. 134
Whitesides, M. V. 45, 107, 119, 140
Whitesides, Major V. 106
Whitley, W. L. 117
Whitlock, P. C. 148
Whitney 14
Whitney and Moore lumber plant 14
Whitney, C. E. 136, 166, 168
Whitney, Floyd G. 136
wholesale manufacturers (advt) 215
Wilcox, A. D. 147
Wilfong, John E. 45
Wilkins, C. E. 176
Wilkins, E. A. 175
Wilkins, J. H. 15, 167, 168
Wilkins, John A. 136
Wilkins, Mabel Craig, Mrs. 90
Wilkins, Maude, Miss 90
Wilkins, S. A. 168
Wilkins, T. A. 93, 104
Wilkinson, T. F. 21
Wilkinson, W. C. 169
William Gaston Chapter, D. A. R. 89, 91
Williams family 198
Williams, C. B., Rev. 35
Williams, Dameron 99
Williams, Dameron H. 137
Williams, J. M. 169
Williams, Tom N. 197
Williamson, A. C.  164, 195
Williford, Quay D. 40
Williford, Quay, Mrs. 94
Willis, G. G. 126, 127
Willis, George G. 127, 138
Wilson family 5, 6, 198
Wilson, Brown  101, 145
Wilson, Brown W. 107, 189
Wilson, Brown, Mrs. 50
Wilson, C. L. 70
Wilson, Crown W., Mrs. 137
Wilson, Dr. 132
Wilson, E. C. 151, 165
Wilson, E. L. 152
Wilson, E. Lee 191
Wilson, F. L. 172
Wilson, Frank G., Dr. 134
Wilson, G. W. 71
Wilson, Geo. W. 126
Wilson, Geo. W., Mrs. 93, 94
Wilson, George E. 169
Wilson, George W. 136
Wilson, George W., Mrs. 67, 89, 92, 94
Wilson, Ike M. 104
Wilson, J. C., Mrs. 97
Wilson, J. Harvey 151, 161, 165, 180
Wilson, Jack 45
Wilson, John 91
Wilson, M. T. 125, 153
Wilson, Mary, Miss 199
Wilson, Newt, Colonel 196
Wilson, Osie Shuford, Mrs. 90
Wilson, President 200
Wilson, Rufus B. 135
Wilson, S. W. 194
Wilson, T. L. 107, 127, 128, 153, 184
Wilson, T. W. 44, 125, 162, 165, 180, 195
Wilson, T. W., Mrs. 95, 96
Wilson, Thomas 44, 125
Wilson, Thomas Lee 144
Wilson, Thomas W. 62, 125
Wilson, W. H. 44, 113
Wilson, William H., Dr. 134, 191
Wilson, Wm. H. 133
Wilson, Woodrow, President 91, 98
Wimmer, Boniface, Archabbot 52, 53
Wingate, James L.  108
Winget family 197
Winget, A. K. 40, 70, 115, 126, 157, 158, 165, 168, continued….
Winget, A. K. (continued) 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 182, 185
Winget, A. K., Jr. 127, 138
Winget, Arthur K. 104
Winget, H. G. 40, 130
Winget, H. Gilmer 104, 105
Winget, J. S. 115
Winget, J. Sid 116
Winget, J. Sidney 104
Winget, Joseph S. 114, 115
Winget's, Inc. (advt) 221
Winnsboro, S. C. 44, 89
Winston-Salem, N. C. 85
Wisteria Hosiery Mill 121
Withers family 198
Withers, F. R. 153
Withers, J. R. 172
Withers, John R. 152
Withers, P. T., Mr. 49
Withers, W. C. 153, 172
Witherspoon, David 112
Witherspoon, James 91
Wix Accessories Corporation 121
Wolfe, Herman, Father 52
Wolfe, L. A. 108
Wollf, Mrs. 26
Wollf, S. A., Prof. 26, 63
Woltz, A. E. 136, 172
Woltz, C. B. 15, 136
Woman's Auxiliary, Episcopal 50
Woman's Betterment Association 108, 109
Woman's Missionary Society 42
Woman's Society of Christian Service 38
Wood, Dean 108
Wood, S. C. 199
Wood, S. Eugene 176
Wood, W. H. 129
Woodlawn Post Office 12
Woody, M. E., Jr., Dr. 135
Woolstein, Richmond 177
Worcester, Massachusetts (advt) 216
Workman family 197
Workman, J. M. 40
World War I  74, 90, 138, 200
World War II 49, 57, 101, 121, 141, 184
Wray, Joe 93
Wray, Joe S. 66, 70, 108, 119
Wray, W. Hugh 102
Wright , J. Robert 128
Wright, Robert, Mrs. 112
Wright, William "Bill" 22
Wright's Station 22
Wyche, W. E. 40

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