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4 December 1885
- The Gastonia Gazette newspaper advertised the “Gastonia Circulating Library” with J. E. Page as proprietor. The library offered an annual single subscription for .50 cents and a one year family subscription for one dollar. Single subscribers were entitled to one book every two weeks, while family subscribers were entitled to two books every two weeks. Persons wanting to subscribe could call the Gastonia Gazette office, where J. E. Page also worked as the editor and proprietor of the newspaper, and review the book list containing over sixty volumes. According to the advertisement: “None but standard books will be circulated. No ‘Cheap John’ or trashy literature allowed in Library.” (GGZ 31 August 1917, p. 2, “Gaston in the Eighties, From the Gazette of Dec. 4, 1885.”) (GGZ 1 January 1886, p. 3)
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