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The Gaston County Historical Bulletin INDEX: 1954-1980: W

Wa - Wh

W. A. Mason Elected President of Society 16--1--1--1
W. N. Craig Conducts Photographic County Tour 8--1--1--2
Wade, Ann Nell 7--1--3--1
Wade, Margaret Dickson 7--1--3--1
Wade, Roy 7--1--3--1
Waggoner, L. M., Dr. 12--2--2--3
Wagner, Dr. 3--3--1--1
wagon making 6--4--2--3
wagon train 2--1--4--1
Wagstaff, Alan 9--1--4--3
Waitt, Joseph Kenneth 5--4--1--2
Wales, M, B., Mrs. 11--1--1--1
Wales, M, B., Mrs. 12--1--4--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 3--3--4--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 5--2--1--2
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 5--3--3--1
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 6--1--1--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 6--2--2--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 6--2--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 6--4--3--2
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 6--4--3--2
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 8--1--2--1
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 8--3--1--2
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 13--2--1--1
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 15--1--2--1
Wales, M. B., Mrs. 17--1--2--3
Wales, M. B., Mrs. (photo) 6--2--2--1
Wales, Maud Rankin, Mrs. 6--3--2--2
Wales, Maud Rankin, Mrs. (photo) 6--2--2--1
Wales, Maud Rankin, President Gaston Co. Historical Society 6--5--2--1
Wales, Maude Rankin, Mrs. 4--1--1--1
Wales, Maude Rankin, Mrs. 4--2--2--1
Wales, Maude Rankin, Mrs. 6--5--4--2
Wales, Maude Rankin, Mrs. 7--3--2--2
Wales, Montford Bacon (photo) 6--2--2--1
Wales, Montford Bacon, Mrs., Gaston Co. Histrorical Society 6--5--2--1
Walker, daughter of C. J. and N. 1--3--2--2
Walker, Felix 2--1--1--3
Walker, Felix 2--1--4--2
Walker, J. W. 8--1--4--3
Walker, John 2--1--4--2
Walker, John 2--4--2--2
Walker, John 2--4--2--3
Walker, John 11--2--1--2
Walker, John 11--2--1--3
Walker, John 11--2--2--2
Walker, John 11--2--2--3
Walker, John 11--2--2--3
Walker, John 11--2--4--2
Walker, John 17--2--4--1
Walker, John 17--2--4--2
Walker, John 18--1--1--2
Walker, John 18--1--4--1
Walker, John 18--1--4--2
Walker, John 21--1--4--1
Walker, John 22--2--1--3
Walker, John 22--2--3--1
Walker, John 22--2--6--2
Walker, John 24--2--3--2
Walker, Margaret A. 1--3--2--2
Walker, Nathaniel 24--1--4--1
Walker, R. N. 1--3--1--3
Walker, R. N. 1--3--2--2
Walker, Rich D. 18--1--1--2
Walker, Richard 11--2--4--2
Walker, W. W. 12--2--3--1
Wallace furniture 2--1--3--2
Wallace, Avery 4--1--2--3
Wallace, J. D., Dr. 12--2--2--3
Wallace, James 2--1--3--3
Wallace, John, Mayor of Stanley, NC 2--1--3--2
Wallace, John, Mrs. 2--1--3--3
War for American Independence 22--2--5--2
War of 1812 4--1--3--1
War, French and Indian 22--1--4--3
Ward, Darrell 20--1--4--1
Ward, L. C., Prof. 2--2--3--2
Ward, Levi, Captain 9--1--4--3
Ward, Mary Pegram, Mrs. 12--1--4--2
Ward, Mary, Mrs. 13--2--1--2
Ware, John Davis 6--5--2--2
Warlick, Daniel 11--2--1--2
Warner and Swasey 22--1--4--1
Warren, F. W. 8--1--4--1
Warwick, Thomas 19--1--3--2
Was Present When Harper's Ferry Fell 5--4--2--2
Was Present When Harper's Ferry Fell 5--4--4--1
wash women 13--2--3--3
Washington, ______, iron furnace operator 1--4--1--1
Washington, George    23--1--4--1
Washington, George, General 22--2--5--2
water mill, Catawba Creek 22--1--2--3
Waterloo, battle of 3--1--2--3
Waters, Ida Smith, Mrs. 3--1--3--1
Watkins, John 19--1--3--2
Watson, David 24--2--3--3
Watson, Samuel, Capt. 19--1--4--1
Watson, Samuel, Col. 19--1--4--1
Watson, Samuel, Col. 19--1--4--1
Watson, William 11--2--1--2
Watson, William 11--2--1--2
Watts, Grace 22--2--6--1
Watts, Sarah P. 25--1--2--3
Watts, Sarah R. 26--1--4
Watts, Thomas 4--2--1--3
Waufle, Alan 23--1--1--3
Waufle, Alan 23--1--4--3
Waufle, Alan D., Director Gaston County Art and History Museum 26--1--3
Waufle, Alan D., Director Gaston County Art and History Museum 26--1--5
Waxhaw 19--1--4--2
Way We Lived, The, series 25--1--1--2
Wear, Alexander 1--4--3--3
Wear, Alexander 2--4--3--2
Weathers, B. G., Dr. 12--2--2--3
Weathers, James 1--2--1--1
Weathers, James 15--2--1--3
Weathers, John 15--2--1--3
Weathers, Samuel 15--2--2--2
Weaver, Brenda 22--1--3--3
Weaver, Brenda 22--1--4--1
Weaver, Brenda 22--2--2--2
Weaver, Brenda   22--1--1--2
Weaver, Brenda   23--1--4--2
Weaver, Brenda J. 21--1--1--1
Weaver, Brenda Jackson 23--1--4--1
Webb, G. M. 15--2--2--2
Webb, James 8--1--4--3
Webster, Daniel 5--2--3--1
Webster, John 1--4--3--3
Webster, John 1--4--3--3
Webster, John 1--4--4--1
Webster, John 1--4--4--2
Webster, John 1--4--4--2
Webster, John 2--1--2--1
Webster, John 2--1--2--2
Webster, John 2--1--2--2
Webster, John 2--1--2--2
Webster, John 2--4--3--2
Weed, Elgin Fred 1--3--2--3
Weidner, Henry 2--1--1--3
Weisenberg, John H. 23--1--3--3
Welch, Anna 8--3--4--1
Welch, Grandmother 18--1--3--2
Welch, John 21--1--2--2
Welch, Louis Reece 18--1--3--1
Welch, Thomas 8--3--4--1
Welch, Thomas 21--1--2--2
Welfart, Mr. 4--2--3--1
Welker, G. William, Rev. 8--2--1--2
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley) 3--1--2--3
Wellman, Manly Wade 6--1--2--1
Wellman, Manly Wade 6--1--2--3
Wellman, Manly Wade 6--3--1--3
Wellman, Manly Wade 7--1--2--1
Wellman, Manly Wade 7--2--1--1
Wellman, Manly Wade 7--3--1--1
Wellman, Manly Wade 7--3--2--2
Wellman, Manly Wade 7--3--3--1
Wellman, Manly Wade 8--2--2--2
Wellman, Manly Wade (text of address) 6--2--1--1
Wellman, Manly Wade (text of address) 6--2--3--1
Wellman, Manly Wade (text of address) 6--2--3--2
Wellman, Manly Wade (text of address) 6--2--3--3
Wellman, Manly Wade (text of address) 6--2--2--1
Wells   4--2--1--3
Wells Family 6--3--2--2
Wells Family 6--3--2--3
Wells family    6--3--1--1
Wells Family Grounds 13--2--1--1
Wells Family In Gaston: Durable Name Closely Linked With The Fites 6--3--1--1
Wells, A. N. 5--2--1--2
Wells, Abraham 6--3--2--3
Wells, Abraham 6--3--3--1
Wells, Abram N., Rev. 2--1--3--1
Wells, Abram N., Rev. 5--2--1--2
Wells, Anderson 6--3--2--2
Wells, Anderson 6--3--2--3
Wells, B. F. 6--3--2--3
Wells, Burrel 13--2--1--1
Wells, Burrell 4--2--1--3
Wells, Burrell 5--2--1--2
Wells, Burrell 6--3--2--2
Wells, Burrell 6--3--3--1
Wells, Burrell F. 6--3--1--1
Wells, Burrell F. 6--3--2--2
Wells, Burrell F. 6--3--2--3
Wells, Burrell F. 6--3--3--1
Wells, Burwell,  6--3--1--1
Wells, Christopher 14--2--2--3
Wells, Colin Murchison 5--2--1--2
Wells, David 14--2--2--3
Wells, Eliza G. 6--3--2--2
Wells, Elizabeth Graves Holland 6--3--2--2
Wells, Fannie 6--3--1--1
Wells, Featherston 5--2--1--2
Wells, Featherston 6--3--2--2
Wells, Featherston 6--3--3--1
Wells, Featherston 13--2--1--1
Wells, Featherstone 6--3--1--1
Wells, Featherstone 6--3--2--3
Wells, Featherstone 9--1--4--3
Wells, Featherstun 6--3--3--1
Wells, Frances   6--3--2--3
Wells, Frances A. 6--3--2--3
Wells, John 11--2--4--2
Wells, John 18--1--1--2
Wells, Mary 6--3--2--3
Wells, Mary 6--3--2--3
Wells, Nancy 6--3--2--3
Wells, Nancy 6--3--2--3
Wells, Nancy 6--3--3--1
Wells, Polly 6--3--3--1
Wells, Sally 6--3--2--3
Wells, Sarah, Miss 6--3--3--1
Wells, Susanah 6--3--2--3
Wells, Susanah 6--3--2--3
Wells, Willey 6--3--2--3
Wells, Willey 6--3--3--1
Welsh, Anna 8--2--1--3
Welsh, Thomas 8--2--1--3
Welsh, Thomas 24--1--4--1
Wesley, Thomas 6--3--4--1
West Point Academy 1--3--3--1
West, Ethel (George), Mrs. 2--2--4--3
West, Fred D., Mrs. 19--1--2--1
West, Fred, Mrs. 19--1--2--2
West, Isaac 15--2--1--3
West, James 15--2--1--3
West, Jess Wayne, Mrs. 14--1--2--3
West, Jonathan 1--2--4--1
West, Jonathan 1--2--4--2
West, Lucile 21--1--1--1
West, Lucile 21--1--1--1
West, Lula 1--2--4--2
West, Precilla Armstrong 1--2--4--1
West, Visey 1--2--4--1
Western Auto Store 17--2--4--3
Western North Carolina Historical Association's History Bulletin 2--4--4--3
Wethers, E. L. 2--1--2--1
Whale, Elizabeth 4--1--4--1
What A Basket! 6--3--4--2
What Happened After the War? 11--1--3--1
What Happened in 1775? 17--2--1--3
What Happened in 1775? 17--2--4--1
Wheeler's Cavalry 7--2--4--1
Wheeler's Historical Sketches of North Carolina 24--2--3--3
Wheless, William A., Mrs. 15--2--3--1
When the Moon is in the West, poem by Dr. W. S. Matthews 21--1--3--2
Where Did Gaston County Get Its Name? 5--1--4--1
Where Did Gaston County Get Its Name? 5--2--3--1
whetrocks 2--2--1--1
whetstone 2--2--1--1
Whetstone Mountain 2--2--3--1
whiskey 14--1--4--3
whiskey manufacturing, Gaston County 2--3--3--1
whiskey manufacturing, Gaston County 2--3--3--2
whiskey manufacturing, Gaston County 2--3--3--3
whiskey manufacturing, Gaston County 2--3--4--1
White and Jenkins Mill 1--1--3--2
White and Jenkins Mill 3--2--3--3
White and Jenkins Mill 4--1--1--2
White Family 2--2--4--1
White Family Burying Ground 12--2--4--2
White Family, Sketch of 1--1--1--2
White Family, Sketch of 1--1--3--1
White Haven Episcopal Parish Now Only Fading Recollection 12--2--1--2
White mill 17--1--2--2
White Pine post office 5--4--1--1
White Pine post office 5--4--1--2
White Pine post office 5--4--3--1
White, A. C.     26--1--5
White, A. C. "Gus" 17--1--2--2
White, A. C. (article author) 12--1--4--2
White, Ann, Chapter of UDC 5--4--2--2
White, Augustus 1--1--3--2
White, Augustus C. 2--2--4--1
White, Augustus C. 4--1--1--2
White, Beatrice (Sudie) 1--1--3--2
White, Bejamin E. 12--2--4--2
White, Benjamin 14--2--2--3
White, Berry 1--1--3--1
White, Captain 1--1--4--2
White, Carrie 1--1--3--2
White, Charlie 2--2--4--3
White, Clyde S. 12--2--4--2
White, Cornelius 1--1--3--2
White, D. C. 12--2--4--2
White, David 1--1--3--2
White, David 12--2--4--2
White, Dewey 1--1--3--2
White, Eliza C. 12--2--4--2
White, Ellen 2--2--4--1
White, Ellen Douglas 1--1--3--3
White, Etta E. 12--2--4--2
White, Eugenia 12--2--4--2
White, Gail 3--2--1--2
White, Gail  3--2--3--3
White, Grover W., Dr. 12--2--2--3
White, H. L. 12--2--4--2
White, Henry Fullenwider 1--1--3--2
White, Hiram Larkin 12--2--4--2
White, Hugh 2--2--4--1
White, Ida 1--1--3--2
White, J. B. 8--1--4--2
White, J. B. 8--1--4--3
White, James 1--1--3--2
White, James 15--1--2--3
White, James H. 1--1--3--1
White, James H. 1--1--3--2
White, James H. 1--4--4--1
White, James H. 1--4--4--2
White, James H. 2--1--2--1
White, James H. 2--1--2--2
White, James H. 6--5--3--3
White, James H. 12--1--4--2
White, James H. 12--2--4--2
White, James H., Mrs. 2--2--4--2
White, James Hillhouse 1--1--1--1
White, James Hillhouse 1--1--3--1
White, James Hillhouse 3--2--3--3
White, James Hillhouse 12--2--4--2
White, James Hillhouse 17--1--2--1
White, James Hillhouse   3--2--1--2
White, James Hillhouse, last will and testament of-- 2--2--1--3
White, James Hillhouse, last will and testament of-- 2--2--4--1
White, James Hillhouse, letter of 1--1--3--2
White, James T., Mr. and Mrs. 3--2--3--3
White, Jessie 1--1--3--2
White, John 2--2--4--1
White, John    12--2--4--2
White, John B. 2--2--4--1
White, John Blair 1--1--3--2
White, John Blair 12--2--4--2
White, Joseph 12--1--4--3
White, Joseph Benjamin 1--1--3--2
White, Joseph R. 12--2--4--2
White, Judy 17--1--2--2
White, Larkin 2--2--4--2
White, Larkin    1--1--3--2
White, Larkin Stowe, Confederate Soldier 1--1--3--2
White, Lizie 1--1--3--2
White, Madge 1--1--3--2
White, Margaret 2--2--1--3
White, Margaret     1--1--3--2
White, Margaret Jenkins  17--1--2--1
White, Margaret Jenkins  17--1--2--2
White, Margaret Peggy Jenkins 1--1--3--1
White, Marsha 22--2--6--2
White, Mary 1--1--3--3
White, Mary    1--1--3--1
White, Mary Gibson 1--1--1--2
White, Mildred B. 12--2--4--2
White, Nancy Jane Falls 12--2--4--2
White, Robert 1--1--2--3
White, Robert 1--1--3--2
White, Robert A. 5--4--3--1
White, S. S. 8--1--4--3
White, Samuel 2--2--4--1
White, Samuel J. 12--2--4--2
White, Samuel Jaspar 1--1--3--2
White, Sidney 2--2--4--1
White, Sidney 12--2--4--2
White, Sidney Shields 1--1--3--2
White, T. S. 12--2--4--2
White, Thaddeus 2--2--4--1
White, Thaddeus 2--2--4--2
White, Thaddeus S. 12--2--4--2
White, Thaddeus Sabiscus 1--1--3--2
White, Thomas 1--1--3--2
White, Thomas G. 12--2--4--2
White, William 1--1--3--2
Whitehead, Genevieve 21--1--3--1
Whitener, Basil 19--1--2--2
Whitener, Basil 24--1--2--3
Whitener, Basil L. 8--2--4--2
Whitener, Basil L. 23--1--4--2
Whitener, Basil, Congressman 3--2--1--3
Whitener, Pink 4--1--3--3
Whiteside, Davis 11--2--4--2
Whiteside, Davis 18--1--1--2
Whiteside, William 18--1--1--2
Whitesides and Co., (Advt.) 4--2--4--2
Whitesides family 8--1--1--3
Whitesides Insurance, Inc. (advt.) 7--3--4--3
Whitesides, Davis 11--2--2--3
Whitesides, Davis 17--2--4--1
Whitesides, Davis 17--2--4--2
Whitesides, Ed S., Dr. 12--2--2--3
Whitesides, Edward 8--1--4--1
Whitesides, Henry 7--1--1--3
Whitesides, James 9--1--4--3
Whitesides, Jane 6--3--3--3
Whitesides, Major 1--4--3--3
Whitesides, Major 1--4--4--1
Whitesides, Major 2--1--2--1
Whitesides, Major 2--1--2--2
Whitesides, Major 2--4--3--2
Whitesides, Mary 6--3--3--3
Whitesides, Moffett 6--3--3--2
Whitesides, William 11--2--2--3
Whitesides, Wilmot, Miss 6--2--2--3
Whiting Machine Works 17--2--2--3
Whiting Machine Works 17--2--2--3
Whitley, Velma E. 1--3--4--2
Whitner, Henry Weidner 2--1--1--3
Whitsett, Kenneth 10--1--1--3
Whittenburg, John Henry 14--1--3--3
Whyte, William 8--1--4--3

Wi- Wy

Wideneau, Miss 7--1--2--3
Widow Howe's 19--1--4--2
Wiggins, Ella May 23--1--3--1
Wiggins, Octavius 3--3--2--2
Wike   4--1--3--2
Wike, Julius 3--3--3--1
Wildlife Conservation in Gaston County, by Dan Deitz 17--1--3--1
Wilhelm, Alda 21--1--1--3
Wilhelm, James D. and Elizabeth Hutchins 21--1--3--1
Wilkerson, postmaster 2--1--3--3
Wilkes, Admiral 12--2--4--1
Wilkin, Mr. 2--2--3--2
Wilkins, J. H., Mrs. 2--2--3--2
Wilkinson, T. F. 2--1--3--2
Will of Alexander Moore; Statement of John Moore 5--1--1--2
Will, Girard 21--1--4--1
Will, John 21--1--4--1
Will, nuncapative, William Twitty's 24--1--4--3
Will, slave accused of murdering his overseer 5--2--3--2
Will, Thomas A., Dr. 12--2--2--3
William I 3--1--2--2
William I 3--1--4--3
William N. Craig Named President 12--1--1--3
William the Conqueror 3--1--4--3
Williams, C. B., Dr. 6--5--3--1
Williams, Dameron H. 13--1--1--3
Williams, E. C, Dr. 12--2--2--3
Williams, Elizabeth    15--1--2
Williams, Elizabeth, Some South Fork Boys 15--1--2--2
Williams, H. O., Mrs. 19--1--2--2
Williams, Harmon O., Mrs. 18--1--3--3
Williams, Jennie 6--3--3--3
Williams, Job 6--3--3--3
Williams, Nancy (article author) 6--5--1--2
Williams, William H. 19--1--3--3
Williamson, Gen. 5--1--3--1
Williamson, James 19--1--4--1
Williamson, Nancy 14--2--1--3
Williamson, Reece, Mr. 18--1--3--2
Willis, Charles H. 4--1--2--3
Willis, Eugenia 1--1--3--2
Willis, Moses B. 4--1--2--3
Williston, T. H., Dr. 12--2--2--3
Williston, T. N., Dr. 12--2--3--1
Willmouth 6--3--1--1
Willow Ware China  15--2--1--1
Willowside (William Rankin home) 22--2--1--1
Wills Reveal Much History 3--3--1--2
Willson, William I. 9--1--4--2
Wilson 4--1--3--2
Wilson family ancestry 1--4--3--1
Wilson home 1--4--1--3
Wilson home, on Crowder's Creek built in 1805-1810 (photo) 1--4--1
Wilson House (photo) 26--1--1
Wilson, ____ 10--1--2--2
Wilson, G. W.    7--2--2--3
Wilson, G. W., Mayor 7--2--2--2
Wilson, Giles 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Hester 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Hester 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Hugh 1--4--3--2
Wilson, Isaac, Dr. 12--1--2--3
Wilson, Issac, Dr. 1--3--3--3
Wilson, James 1--4--3--2
Wilson, James 8--3--3--2
Wilson, John 1--1--4--2
Wilson, John 1--4--3--2
Wilson, John 6--4--3--2
Wilson, John   1--4--3--2
Wilson, John, Register of Deeds Lincoln County 1--4--3--2
Wilson, John, Revolutionary War soldier 1--4--1--3
Wilson, John, Revolutionary War soldier 1--4--3--1
Wilson, Lawson 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Lawson 1--4--3--1
Wilson, Lawson 26--1--4
Wilson, Mary Eliza 23--1--3--3
Wilson, Mildred 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Morris 8--1--1--2
Wilson, Morris 16--1--3--1
Wilson, R. N. 8--1--4--2
Wilson, Rebecca Isabella McLean 24--2--3--3
Wilson, Robert 24--2--3--3
Wilson, Robert 25--1--4--2
Wilson, Robert, President Ohio University 1--4--3--1
Wilson, Robert, President Ohio University 2--1--2--1
Wilson, S. M. 8--1--4--2
Wilson, S. Morris 3--1--4--1
Wilson, Sally 1--4--1--3
Wilson, Samuel 19--1--3--2
Wilson, Samuel 24--1--4--1
Wilson, Samuel   1--4--3--2
Wilson, Samuel Morris 3--3--2--3
Wilson, Samuel T. 3--3--3--1
Wilson, Samuel, President Davidson College, NC 1--4--3--1
Wilson, T. W. 5--1--2--2
Wilson, Tom L. 1--4--3--1
Wilson, W. H. 9--2--4--2
Wilson, William 1--1--1--3
Wilson, William 21--1--2--2
Wilson, William 21--1--4--1
Wilson, William 23--1--3--3
Wilson, William 26--1--4
Wilson, William   1--4--3--2
Wilson, William Danford 12--2--3--1
Wilson, William H. 12--1--3--1
Wilson, William H., advertisement 12--1--3--2
Wilson, William I. 1--4--3--3
Wilson, William J, home of-- 22--2--1--1
Wilson, William J. 1--4--3--2
Wilson, William J. 1--4--3--3
Wilson, William J. 1--4--4--1
Wilson, William J. 1--4--4--2
Wilson, William J. 2--1--2--1
Wilson, William J. 2--4--3--2
Wilson, William Joseph 1--4--1--3
Wilson, William Joseph 5--2--1--1
Wilson, William, Rev. 9--1--4--3
Wilson, Zacchens 4--2--4--1
Wilson,William Joseph, Register of Deeds 1--4--3--1
Wilson-Falls-Jackson-Penegar 26--1--4
Winfield, Alfred 16--1--2--1
Wise, Barbara 15--1--3--3
Wise, Fredrick 19--1--3--3
Wise, J. B. 10--1--1--1
Wise, J. S. 10--1--1--1
Withers 4--1--3--2
Withers Adicks' Store 7--1--3--1
Withers, Allen 15--2--2--2
Withers, Elisha 1--1--2--1
Withers, Elisha 4--1--2--2
Withers, John 1--1--2--1
Withers, John 4--1--2--2
Withers, Kim 26--1--4
Withers, Mary (Polly) 4--1--2--2
Withers, Miles, blacksmith 2--2--4--3
Withers, Sarah 1--1--2--1
Withers, Sarah Gaston 4--1--2--2
Withers, Susan 16--1--3--3
Without Trumpets 23--1--2--2
Wix Corporation 22--1--4--1
wolf scalp 24--1--4--3
Wolf, Professor 13--2--3--1
Wolfe, L. A. 8--1--3--2
Wolfe, Rev. 14--2--1--1
Wolff, S. A., Prof. 9--2--4--2
Wolton, Nicholas 18--1--4--2
woman selling produce, Bessemer City 2--2--3--2
Woman's Club 4--2--2--2
Women of Gaston 22--2--6--1
Women of Gaston 23--1--1--3
Women of Gaston, by Wilma Ratchford Craig 23--1--3--1
Women of the American Revolution article presentation 23--1--2--3
Woodlawn depot 3--2--2--1
Woodlawn Mill 7--2--3--1
Woodlawn Mill (photo) 7--2--3
Woodruff, Frank Buist 14--1--2--3
Woodruff, Margaret Westmoreland 14--1--2--3
Woodruff, Paden E., Dr. 14--1--2--3
Woody, M. E. 12--2--3--1
Woody, W. L. 12--2--3--1
Word of Appreciation 8--1--2--1
Word of Appreciation, Gaston County Historical Society 12--1--2--1
Word to our Subscribers (article) 4--1--1--3
Work On County History Is Progressing 6--1--2--1
Workman, Frank, Captain 5--4--4--1
Workman, Laura Steele 5--4--4--1
World War II, B-24 plane crash, Thomas Flowers Dickson 7--1--4--1
World's Fair, 1892 21--1--2--3
Worthington, Eliza 5--2--3--1
Wortman, Michael 6--1--4--2
Wray, Joe S. 2--2--3--2
Wray, Mary 1--4--3--2
Wren, Robert  23--1--1--1
Wright, Davie, Mr. 18--1--3--1
Wright, Governor 9--1--4--2
Wright, Mr. (Wright's Station) 8--3--2--2
Wright's Station 8--3--2--2
Wyatt, Bethlehem 1--2--1--1
Wyatt, James 1--2--1--1
Wycoff, Bess 15--2--4--2
Wyont, Loy T., home 1--4--2--2

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