National Child Labor Committee Photographs taken by Lewis Hine, ca. 1912 - ca. 1912.
This series has been digitized and is now fully available online. [ It is part of the National Child Labor Committee Collection. ]
The photographs were taken by photographer Lewis Hine from 1908 to 1912 for the National Child Labor Committee (NCLC) The NCLC was founded in 1904 and chartered by Congress in 1907. Shortly after its founding in 1912, the Children's Bureau received the photographic prints from the National Child Labor Committee.
- National Child Labor Committee Photographs taken by Lewis Hine, ca. 1912–ca. 1912 National Archives.
- Golla Chambers, 12 years old, been in mill 3 years, spinning 2 years, weave 1 year. Other sisters spinners. Gastonia, N.C.
- Lacy (12 years old) and Savannah ( 11 years old) Ballard. Have worked two years. Father said, "the little one is a cracker-jack on spinnin', at least so the boss says. She ain't satisfied unless in the mill. The oldest one isn't so good at it. Not as quick." (Note the tense, serious look on the younger. Older more like a real girl.) Gastonia, N.C.
- Girls running warping machines in Loray Mill, Gastonia, N.C. Many boys and girls much younger. Boss carefully avoided them, and when I tried to get a photo which would include a mite of a boy working at a machine, he was quickly swept out of range. "He isn't working here, just came in to help a little." Gastonia, N.C.
- Boy from Loray Mill. "Been at it right smart two years." Gastonia, N.C.
- Rhodes Mfg. Co. Spinner. A moments glimpse of the outer world. Said she was 11 years old. Been working over a year. Lincolnton, N.C.
- Loray Mill, Gastonia, N.C. Boy with coat in hand is 11 years old. Been there 9 months. Started at 50 [cents] a day, now gets 60 [cents]. "When I sweeps double space I get 90 [cents] a day, but it makes you work." Look at the boy. Two infants appeared at the door and vanished back immediately on seeing me. Gastonia, N.C.
- Doffers in Cherryville Mfg. Co., N.C. Plenty of others. Cherryville, N.C.
- One of the doffers in Vivian Cotton Mills. Cherryville, N.C.
- Noon hour at the Vivian Cotton Mills. Shows the character of the "hands" in a better class mill, --well ventilated and lighted. Cherryville, N.C.
- Spinner in Vivian Cotton Mills. Been at it 2 years. Where will her good looks be in 10 years? Cherryville, N.C.
- A doffer in Lincolnton Mill. Lincolnton, N.C
- A few of the workers in Cherryville Mfg. Co. Cherryville, N.C.
- Cherryville Graded School. These are the children in the town who attend school. 2,000 population. One-third of these raised their hands when asked, "How many have worked in a cotton mill?" Cherryville, N.C.
COLLECTION: Mills. Child labor at cotton mills and other kinds of manufacturing in the United States. National Child Labor Committee Collection. Photographs taken by Lewis Hine. Created/Published 1908-1924. Library of Congress.
- Accident to young cotton mill worker. Giles Edmund Newsom (Photo October 23rd, 1912), while working in Sanders Spinning Mill, Bessemer City, N.C., August 21st, 1912..