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Digital Gaston County, North Carolina

Loray Mill

Digital Loray has an interactive map of the Loray mill village in 1920 which "documents the residents of village households and reveals demographic patterns, using information drawn from U.S. census data, city directories, and other sources."
Go to:


The Alfred C. Kessell History Center at Loray Mill features a multimedia exhibit that showcases the history of the Loray / Firestone Mill and Village.
Go to:


Architecture and Engineering:

Loray Digital Archive, Lucy Penegar Collection.


Lockwood-Greene Records. Series 1: Project Drawings, Renderings, and Plans. (Map-folder 256, Loray Mills, Gastonia, N.C.)

Lockwood-Greene Records. Series 1: Project Drawings, Renderings, and Plans. (Map-folder 1466, Loray Mills, Gastonia, N.C.)


Court Trial


Historic Properties:






Oral History:







Slides (Photographs)

Theses and Dissertations:


  • TRAIL OF HISTORY  Preservation North Carolina "Discover the work of Preservation North Carolina. This NPO advocates for the preservation of historic properties across the state. In Gastonia, Preservation NC’s work at the Loray Mill served as an economic catalyst to spur reinvestment in the neighborhood."

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