Gallagher, E. F. | 48 |
Gallant, Pearl | 20 |
Galloway, J. C., Dr. | 43 |
Gamble, William, Camp of United Confederate Veterans | 35 |
garden clubs | 37 |
Gardner, B. B. | 44 |
Gardner, Walter | 21 |
Garibaldi Station | 2 |
Garland, James B. (1954, Gaston Post 23) | 14 (photo) |
Garland, P. W., Sr., Mayor | 42 |
Garlock Precision Seals | 48 |
Garrison, D. A., Dr. | 42 |
Gaston Baptist Association | 38 |
Gaston Choral Society | 23 |
Gaston Community Concert Association | 23 |
Gaston County Art Guild | 22 |
Gaston County Fine Arts Council | 22 |
Gaston County Health Department | 38 |
Gaston County Merchants' Association | 28 |
Gaston County Office on Aging | 38 |
Gaston Guards, 1st North Carolina Infantry | 35 |
Gaston Loan & Trust Company | 5, 27 |
Gaston Post 23, Nat. Champions, 1935 | 14 (photo) |
Gaston Post 23, State Champions, 1954 | 14 (photo) |
Gaston Post No. 23, American Legion | 23, 35 |
Gaston Symphony | 24 |
Gaston, Harley B., Jr., Mrs. | 24 |
Gaston, William, Chapt. Daughters of American Revolution | 36 |
Gaston, William, Judge | 36 |
Gastona, Presbyterians | 33 |
Gastonia Armory | 16 |
Gastonia Brush Company | 46 |
Gastonia City Hall, first | 45 (photo) |
Gastonia Combed Yarn Corporation | 48 |
Gastonia Comber Needling | 46 |
Gastonia Cotton Manufacturing Company | 46 |
Gastonia Daily Gazette delivery car | 2 (photo) |
Gastonia Gazette building, 1904 | 28 (photo) |
Gastonia Gazette newspaper | 2, 7, 8, 9, 26, 27 |
Gastonia Guild and Gallery of Fine Arts | 21 |
Gastonia Hardware Co. | 26 |
Gastonia Industrial Diversification Commission | 48 |
Gastonia Little Theatre | 21, 22 |
Gastonia Mill Supply | 46 |
Gastonia Sports Hall of Famer | 15 |
Gastonia Station | 2, 46 |
Gastonia, Baptists | 33 |
Gastonia, black population | 7, 33 |
Gastonia, business | 25 - 28 |
Gastonia, churches | 30 - 34 |
Gastonia, City and County Services | 43 |
Gastonia, clubs | 35, 36, 37 |
Gastonia, commercial progress | 25 |
Gastonia, education | 18 |
Gastonia, financial history | 27 |
Gastonia, incorporated | 2, 25 |
Gastonia, industry | 46, 47, 48 |
Gastonia, Jewish population | 9 |
Gastonia, Lutherans | 33 |
Gastonia, medical facilities | 40, 41, 42 |
Gastonia, music | 22 |
Gastonia, population | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 |
Gastonia, public service agencies | 37 |
Gastonia, recession | 9 |
Gastonia, recreation | 10 |
Gastonia, speeding in 1894 | 50 |
Gastonia, sports | 10 |
Gastonia, telephones | 49 |
Gastonia, unemployment | 48 |
Girl Scouts, black | 7 |
Girl Scouts, Pioneer Area Council | 39 |
Glenn, E. F., Dr. | 47 |
Glenn, Emma (Gastonia High, 1915) | 18 (photo) |
Glenn, Eula | 20 |
Glenn, Furman | 8 |
Glenn, George G. | 44 |
Glenn, H. F., Dr. | 42 |
Glenn, L. N. | 41 |
golf course, integrated | 9 |
golf team, Hunter Huss "Huskies" | 16 |
golf, M&M tournament | 17 |
Good, John, Mr. (1927) | 5 (photo) |
Gray, Catherine | 6 |
Gray, George A. | 46, 47 |
Gray, George, Jr. | 21 |
Gray, J. Lander | 4 |
Greek village | 7 |
Grier, Roger | 21 |
Grier, V. G. | 44 |
Grier, W. P. | 20 |
Grier, W. P., Mr. (Gastonia High, 1915) | 18 (photo) |
Groaner, Oscar | 45 |
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