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Gastonia Centennial Commemorative Book 1877-1977 INDEX: P


 Pacemaker of the Piedmont  9
 Page, J. E.  26
 Parents Anonymous  40
 Parents Without Partners  39
 Parent-Teacher Assocaitions  19
 Parham, Macie (Gastonia High, 1915)  18 (photo)
 Parker, B. H.  27, 44
 Parker, Frank  20
 Parole Board, North Carolina  39
 Patrick, L. N., Dr.  42
 Paysour, Bob  44
 Pearl Harbor  6, 48
 Pearson, T. M.  47
 Peedin, Minnie Lee  20
 Peek, Richard, Dr.  23
 Pegram, T. Chalmers  26, 47
 Peninger, G. F.   45
 Pershing, George  47
 Petty, Howard  8
 Petty, Larry  23
 Pharr, Ella  7
 Pharr, Milton  8
 Phillips Center  17
 Phillips, K. G.  20
 Piedmont Mill  26
 Planning Commission, Gastonia  39
 play, Aladdin and His Wonderful Light  24
 play, Born Yesterday  21
 play, Life With Father  21
 Plonk, Anne Love (Milady's Fashions)  52 (photo)
 Poag, Thomas E., Dr.  8
 police chief, first Gastonia  44
 Police Department  44
 police, black  8
 police, first black sergeant  8
 polio sugar cube day  21
 Porter, David  8
 prohibition  2
 PTA, Highland High School  7
 Puckett, Paul  23

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